php Programming Glossary: confuse
Understanding MVC Layer and is usually implemented as DataMapper do not confuse with ORMs which abuse that name . Here is how a simplified use..
$_SESSION v. $_COOKIE store the password. Just the session information not to confuse with session ID . Bottom line sessions and cookies are different..
PHP Application URL Routing the right. Just don't forget to document them or you will confuse people. I'm currently calling index if you don't include a function..
PHP serial port data return from Arduino on every connection . If you don't know that It will confuse you. For instance if you connect fopen and instantly send data..
How does Facebook notify and instantly shows new comments or how does Stackoverflow do it? on some more in depth information as I am starting to get confused about how the flow for the project I work on should go. For.. a good choice. So based on the last assumption I now get confused about the work flow. I thought about two possible solutions.. the data using PHP and Mysql. These two possibilities confuse me and I can't make up my mind about what would be the best..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] some sensitive information to a potential attacker yet confuse a honest visitor. A custom exception handler could be added..
PHP editors for Ubuntu [closed] Notepad editor. For those who haven't used Notepad do not confuse it with Notepad.exe. Notepad.exe is the lightweight Windows..
Meaning of Event in php takes a full advantage of it. Why use them While events confuse so many people they are extremely useful. Imagine you have a..
How do you solve “unstructured” navigation in PHP? works universally mainly because multiple windows tend to confuse users. How do you solve this Have you implemented a robust unstructured..
Classes. Whats the point? and include them. The structure of classes seems to just confuse what was otherwise a simple process. And in collating everything..
Should you always end mysql queries with “or die?” is not logged. Effectively making user Y happy and X left confuse where the money went... Use a sensible error handling for queries..
Does Zend ACL suit my needs? I've seen are either too simplistic for my needs or confuse me. I'm thinking of elements in my application as Resources..
ACL implementation structures that implement Data Mapper pattern do not confuse with ORMs of same name .. no relation . This is where your SQL..
Is “filter input, escape output” still valid with PDO SQL Injection although a fair number of developers still confuse filtering with escaping for SQL queries and hence can still..
Why is the php string concatenation operator a dot (.)? [closed] Hello there . yourName The dot operator always seems to confuse people myself included the first time they see it especially..
PHP & xPath Question though maybe it will be of zero length which won't confuse the foreach loop. Also note the use of the nodeValue property..
Best way to defend against mysql injection and cross site scripting magic quotes . They are an inadequate solution and they confuse matters. Never embed strings directly in SQL. Use bound parameters..
Send data from android to server via JSON via JSON So I want to know how to do that and I pretty confuse with this example statement HttpPost httppost new HttpPost http..
Is it possible for mysqli_insert_id to return an incorrect id in high traffic applications? possible for mysqli_insert_id to return the wrong id or to confuse the id between two INSERT queries performed nearly simultaneously.. INSERT query on the current connection. It will never get confused with another connection for example. share improve this answer..
Calculate hours ago using server time in php without any other date other or mysql dates Server time Screen shot and i just confuse myself how to convert server time to this hour 6 hours ago helps..