php Programming Glossary: connect_error
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll if con connect_errno die 'Could not connect ' . con connect_error last_id isset _GET 'last_id' int _GET 'last_id' 0 stmt con prepare..
Creating a site to query a database of tables to connect to MySQL . search connect_errno . . search connect_error search close keyword trim _GET 'keyword' query SELECT COLUMN_NAME..
Properly Escaping with MySQLI | query over prepared statements 'localhost' 'root' 'xx' 'xx' STD set_charset 'utf8' if STD connect_error die Standard Access Has Been Revoked. Please Contact Administration..
update data in the div 'abcd1234_mydb' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error.. or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST 'theOption' die..
dynamic drop down box? '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error.. or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST 'theOption' die..
Variables not printing to page an exception if db connect_errno throw new Exception db connect_error db connect_errno Init prepared statement prep db stmt_init Prepared..
Simple PHP SQL login troubleshooting if mysqli_connect_errno echo failed to connect . mysqli_connect_error Username _POST 'Username' Password _POST 'Password' sql SELECT.. exit con new mysqli db_host db_user db_pass db_name if con connect_error die 'Connect Error ' . con connect_errno . ' ' . con connect_error.. die 'Connect Error ' . con connect_errno . ' ' . con connect_error sql SELECT Username Password FROM `Members` WHERE Username if..
MySQL vs MySQLi in PHP [duplicate] new mysqli 'localhost' 'localonly' 'localonly' if mysqli connect_error die mysqli connect_error php mysql no prepared statements stmt.. 'localonly' 'localonly' if mysqli connect_error die mysqli connect_error php mysql no prepared statements stmt mysqli prepare INSERT..
Is it best practice to try - catch my entire PHP code, or be as specific as possible? throw new fooException Could not connect . this Conn connect_error MAIN CLASS public final function Main try do stuff catch fooException..
Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object error [duplicate] class db new mysqli DB_HOST DB_USER DB_PASS DB_NAME if db connect_error die 'MySQL connection error ' . db connect_errno . ' ' . db.. 'MySQL connection error ' . db connect_errno . ' ' . db connect_error linkgen new Linkgen db echo linkgen getLinksLeft And this is..