php Programming Glossary: childnode
Rename an XML node using PHP appendChild invitesNode Move the data children over. if childNodes xpath query library data foreach childNodes as childNode .. over. if childNodes xpath query library data foreach childNodes as childNode invitesNode appendChild childNode Remove data.. childNodes xpath query library data foreach childNodes as childNode invitesNode appendChild childNode Remove data . dataNode parentNode..
Regexp to add attribute in any xml tags addAttribute 'attr' 'myAttr' foreach xmlNode children as childNode process_recursive childNode process_recursive xml echo xml asXML.. foreach xmlNode children as childNode process_recursive childNode process_recursive xml echo xml asXML All answers containing..
What regex pattern do I need for this? process node replaceRules foreach node children as childNode if childNode instanceof DOMTextNode text pre_replace array_keys.. node replaceRules foreach node children as childNode if childNode instanceof DOMTextNode text pre_replace array_keys replaceRules.. array_keys replaceRules array_values replaceRules childNode wholeText node replaceChild childNode new DOMTextNode text..
innerHTML in xPath? DOMNode oNode oDom new DOMDocument foreach oNode childNode as oChild oDom appendChild oDom importNode oChild true return..
How get first level of dom elements by Domdocument PHP? the root node can be accessed with dom documentElement childNodes The childNodes property contains a DOMNodeList which you can.. can be accessed with dom documentElement childNodes The childNodes property contains a DOMNodeList which you can iterate with.. that is the document element of the document. and DOMNode childNodes A DOMNodeList that contains all children of this node. If there..