php Programming Glossary: checkdate
Check if variable is a valid date with PHP year FALSE month 5 day FALSE You can also pass those into checkdate . date date_parse someString if checkdate date month date day.. pass those into checkdate . date date_parse someString if checkdate date month date day date year echo Valid date else echo Invalid..
How to call php script via Json and return array of days to be disable on the Datepicker mydate var return true var returnclass available checkdate .datepicker.formatDate 'dd MM yy' mydate for var i 0 i myBadDates.length.. mydate for var i 0 i myBadDates.length i if myBadDates i checkdate return false returnclass unavailable return return returnclass..
php date validation date share improve this question You could use checkdate . For example something like this test_date '03 22 2010' test_arr.. test_date '03 22 2010' test_arr explode ' ' test_date if checkdate test_arr 0 test_arr 1 test_arr 2 valid date ... A more paranoid.. test_arr explode ' ' test_date if count test_arr 3 if checkdate test_arr 0 test_arr 1 test_arr 2 valid date ... else problem..
Check if a string is a date
php check for a valid date, weird date conversions 4 d 2 d 2 01 0 9 2 0 3 0 5 0 9 0 5 0 9 dateTime matches if checkdate matches 2 matches 3 matches 1 return true return false share..
Validate date format in php tried many regular expressions and different variations of checkdate function. Currently I have something like this function _date_is_valid.. explode ' ' str if datearray 2 2030 return FALSE return checkdate datearray 1 datearray 0 datearray 2 else return FALSE return.. d m y explode ' ' str if y 10 y 30 y 2010 y 2030 return checkdate m d y return FALSE Thanks for all your answers php regex date..
Date validation in PHP?
Changing a global variable from inside a function PHP date in the beginning of the code. var 01 01 10 function checkdate if Condition var 01 01 11 php function variables global .. Just use the global keyword like so var 01 01 10 function checkdate global var if Condition var 01 01 11 Any reference to that..
how to validate date with PHP improve this question http manual en function.checkdate.php The checkdate function is the first result in google from.. http manual en function.checkdate.php The checkdate function is the first result in google from the search php validate..
performing datetime related operations in PHP set_Day newday if is_int newday newday 0 newday 32 checkdate this format 'm' newday this format 'Y' this setDate this format..