php Programming Glossary: charm
How to access Magento user's session from outside Magento? Magento test.php The shop itself works like a charm however im trying to determine within test.php if a customer..
How to properly set up a PDO connection request to my database. Pretty neat I think. Works like a charm So that's basically how I'm doing it. Also whenever I need to..
Best practice for conducting a Magento update? [closed] and no customisations activated it will perform like a charm repeat the upgrade version by version and save your code state..
Manipulate an Archive in memory with PHP (without creating a temporary file on disk) in the libraries directory. Using zip.lib.php worked as a charm for me require_once LIBS_DIR . 'zip.lib.php' ... create the..
PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with a different mail server and everything worked like charm. It is only google's mail that gets me mad. Any ideas would..
When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached? to the newest client and can tell you that it works like a charm. There is that external dependency on the libmemcached library..
How do I use shorthand if / else? 'street2' 'Yes br ' 'No br ' And that worked like a charm php shorthand if share improve this question The condition..
PHP PDO prepared statement — mysql LIKE query hs.hs_text LIKE searchTerm LIMIT 25 This works like a charm regardless of the search term that I use. However when I move..
Using PHP/Apache to restrict access to static files (html, css, img, etc) on several large scale secure website and it works like a charm. Edit The system I am currently building uses this method to..
Restrict content access to logged in users with PHP valid n else echo 0 n mysql_close db This works like a charm. Using this and session_set_save_handler I was able to use php..
304 Not Modified issue
Timezone conversion in php similar approach in one of my projects and it works like a charm. in the database i need to get the dates in any single timezone..
Is fopen() limited by the filesystem? php generatesql.php myfile.sql Which worked like a charm. My output file ended up being about 10GB. My question then..
Automate Deployment for Web Applications? [closed] getting to this stage but it's mostly working like a charm now D I'm going to try and keep this answer updated as we make..
XML Outputting - PHP vs JS vs Anything Else? xml share improve this question XSLT works like a charm and is supported by PHP. It takes this XSLT script to output..
How might I integrate phpunit with Hudson CI? it at my log file from job config and it works like a charm. It appears there is no longer a need for any custom hacks...
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application
Serializing PHP object to JSON containing object this fails with recursion. Works like a charm though when I remove the _parent reference. 2 Just to follow..
url encode behaving differently in Firefox and Internet Explorer user input k C3 B6ln Germany to begin with it works like a charm in Internet Explorer also. How can I with PHP ensure that the..
Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically Post was successful Action ID ' Works like a charm php facebook facebook opengraph meta tags share improve this..