php Programming Glossary: charlist
Count how often the word occurs in the text in PHP you need it function utf8_str_word_count string format 0 charlist null result array if preg_match_all '~ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019.. if preg_match_all '~ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 ' . preg_quote charlist '~' . ' ~u' string result 0 if array_key_exists 0 result true..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string @var TextRange private range @var array private charlist public function __construct TextRange range Array charlist NULL.. charlist public function __construct TextRange range Array charlist NULL this range range this setCharlist charlist @param array.. Array charlist NULL this range range this setCharlist charlist @param array charlist list of UTF 8 encoded characters @throws..