php Programming Glossary: checking
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? from untrusted sources. It provides robust error checking and only evaluates a limited set of functions. It could be used.. precedence expecting_op false we use this in syntax checking the expression and determining when a is a negation if preg_match.. val index strlen val elseif op ' ' miscellaneous error checking return this trigger unexpected ' ' elseif in_array op ops and..
In PHP 5.3.0, what is the function “use” identifier? what is the function &ldquo use&rdquo identifier I'm checking out some php 5.3.0 features and ran across some code on the..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links is treated as an URL because of the missing space further checking on valid top level domains might be in order. Edit The following..
Use global variables in a class will know exactly what fields will be retrieved without checking the database and or the result. Update Because the fact that..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] 9 . a zA Z return bool preg_match v EMAIL Is this okay for checking if the email address is valid or not php regex email email..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead
PHP error: Cannot modify header information ??headers already sent [duplicate] page. This header.php is included on every page. I have it checking the session value to make sure user is allowed to be at a certain..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects internal information. Stuff like code metrics code style checking and so on are not my primary focus right now but on the long..
HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME and port using the ServerName directive. Update after checking the answer of Pekka on your question which contains a link to..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] by the W3's titled How To for html 5 parsing that is worth checking out. WebServices If you don't feel like programming PHP you..
MySQL Prepared statements with a variable size variable list 2 Don't use a prepared statement build and run the query checking stringently for possible injection attacks. php sql mysql prepared..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? and it can quickly freeze up. This would better be done checking if the file contains a valid JSON response and or keeping a..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? by the W3's titled How To for html 5 parsing that is worth checking out. WebServices If you don't feel like programming PHP you..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] by the W3's titled How To for html 5 parsing that is worth checking out. WebServices If you don't feel like programming PHP you..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved and see. The passwords are for a hardware device so checking against hashes are out of the question. What I need to know..
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? ini_set 'magic_quotes_gpc' 0 doesn't work EDIT After checking the list of ini settings I see that magic_quotes_gpc is a PHP_INI_PERDIR..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game valid game instance then decrypts the encrypted high score checking to make sure the high score matches the SHA1 of the high score..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result which is causing result to be an invalid resource. Try checking for mysql_error after the line on which you run your query...
Caching image requests through PHP - If-Modified-Since not being sent Since' strtotime headers 'If Modified Since' file_time Checking if the modified time is greater than or equal rather than just..
How safe are PHP session variables? is in that session. Some ways to avoid this are IP Checking which works pretty well but is very low fi and thus not reliable..
Preventing session hijacking with it ie navigate to a different webpage . We can't. Checking the user agent Can be spoofed but good as a Defense in Depth..
Checking if an array contains all elements of another array if an array contains all elements of another array I'm designing..
Checking if array is multidimensional or not? if array is multidimensional or not What is the most efficient..
mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in [duplicate] 'id' locale user_profile 'locale' if locale nl_NL Checking User Data @ WT Database check1_task SELECT FROM `users` WHERE..
Is SQL injection a risk today? [duplicate] confusion to the programming world than they did good. Checking whether magic quotes are active and escaping any SQL input scrupulously..
preventing csrf in php authentication in GET and POST parameters not only cookies Checking the HTTP Referer header saw this post on wikipedia and was wondering..
What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP? directory is optionally controlled via upload_tmp_dir . Checking file mimetypes You should check the filetype of what the user..
how to use Jquery AJAX in Joomla Components? #status .html ' img src loader.gif align absmiddle nbsp Checking availability...' jQuery.ajax type POST url index.php option..
Checking if a string contains an integer if a string contains an integer Do you know of a function that..
When (if ever) is eval NOT evil? for administers and or hackers Compatibility with PHP 5.3 Checking syntax possibly not safe php eval share improve this question..
Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted .ini files for command line and webserver based operation. Checking phpinfo from the command line will report different values than..
Checking if date is weekend PHP if date is weekend PHP This function seems to only return false...
Checking if all the array items are empty PHP if all the array items are empty PHP I'm adding an array of..
CodeIgniter and Javascript/Jquery Library . it seems that it can't find the lib what i messed up Checking on system folder it looks all files are in place system libraries..
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? guess_timezone const timelib_tzdb tzdb TSRMLS_DC char env Checking configure timezone if DATEG timezone strlen DATEG timezone 0..
Checking browser's language by PHP? browser's language by PHP How can I check the language of user's..
Check if cookies are enabled this question JavaScript Javascript Cookies Enabled Test Checking if Cookies are Enabled PHP Detecting if the cookies are enabled..
Headers already sent by PHP other server but not on the current. See previous section. Checking with headers_sent You can always use headers_sent to probe if..