php Programming Glossary: check.php
How to restrict access to a PHP file? typing in a similarly formed request http check.php string blahblahblah into a browser and have the same impact...
Android login activity using mysql database CustomHttpClient.executeHttpPost http abc check.php postParameters Enetr Your remote PHP ASP Servlet file link String..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data data position fixed h3 Page footer h3 div div body html check.php php action _REQUEST 'action' We dont need action for this tutorial.. we want to call and outputJSON is our data .ajax url 'check.php' data action 'login' formData '#check user' .serialize Convert..
Deny ajax file access using htaccess a .htaccess in ajax folder php_value auto_prepend_file check.php and create check.php as you want if @ _SERVER HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH.. folder php_value auto_prepend_file check.php and create check.php as you want if @ _SERVER HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header 'HTTP..
PHP - make session expire after X minutes technique... From the login.php the form posts to the page check.php where i do this php uzer _POST 'user_name' pass _POST 'user_pass'..
Check in PHP if PATH_INFO is enabled on your server? using file_get_contents to http current_site_domain check.php test check.php would output _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' . If the result.. to http current_site_domain check.php test check.php would output _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' . If the result of the request.. is less prone to failing is using an iframe iframe src check.php It 20works iframe If you see it works inside the ifrane PATH_INFO..