php Programming Glossary: available
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? placeholders must be quoted. The most popular APIs available in PHP PDO and MySQLi expect unquoted placeholders as do most..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables which has a database to keep track of what cars it has available. The owner has hired you as his IT Computer guy and expects.. a table that identifies the model and the table with the available stock in it. As you can see the data in the model column of..
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? that exists in PHP. Variables inside a function are only available inside that function. Variables outside of functions are available.. inside that function. Variables outside of functions are available anywhere outside of functions but not inside any function. This.. applications If every variable you declare would be available from everywhere else inside your application you'd be stepping..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? Two of those php and script language php script are always available. The other two are short tags and ASP style tags and can be.. serious developers have the option of syntax highlighting available to them. As ThiefMaster mentions in the comments as of PHP 5.4..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? page that does nothing until the data you want to send is available say a new message arrives . Here is a really basic example which.. one thread per request. cometD is an popular one which is available in several languages and Tornado is a new framework made specifically..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords number of characters. The hashing mechanism must be available in PHP It must be safe It can use salt in this case are all.. is 2500 rounds. Also make sure to use hash_hmac if it is available to make the operation harder to reproduce. Future Practices..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? of Blowfish in different languages. Now Blowfish is also available in PHP via mcrypt but how does that help with storing passwords..
PHP global in functions your function also cannot exist without that class being available. That's less of an issue when it's classes from the same namespace..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? or any other filesystem where atime tracking is not available. Since PHP 4.2.3 it has used mtime modified date instead of.. have problems with filesystems where atime tracking is not available. So it additionally might occur that a session data file is..
Headers already sent by PHP to recognize the problem early on. Without such an editor available or Notepad on Windows which can remedy the problem per menu.. PHP header Function A tutorial by NicholasSolutions only available via Internet Archive now but is one of the more thorough answers...
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? the same value. A full explanation of the differences are available in the PHP manual . Here's a table I put together showing how..
Get current PHP executable from within script?
PHP YAML Parsers [closed] if you need sheer speed php yaml Wrapper for LibYAML . Available as a PECL extension it is also the one on PHP's docs . syck..
.post inside jQuery.validator.addMethod always returns false _POST username isset _POST checking xml register message Available message register echo xml Login function works but username.. test checking yes function xml if message xml .text Available return true else return false Sorry this user name is not available.. checking yes success function xml return message xml .text Available Sorry this user name is not available Currently your success..
Real code in dynamic programming with problems like knapsack in PHP [closed] # w weight of item # v value of item # i index # aW Available Weight # m Memo items array # PHP Translation from Python Memoization..
What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors? abstract class xyzRequest Initializes this xyzRequest. Available options logging Whether to enable logging or not false by default.. initializes that request Really Ok then if you say so Available options logging Whether to enable logging or not false by default..
How to validate an Email in PHP? email FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL PHP Manual filter_var Available in PHP 5.2.0 If you don't want to change your code that relied..