php Programming Glossary: autoincrement
PHP MYSQL - Insert into without using column names but with autoincrement field MYSQL Insert into without using column names but with autoincrement field I've to insert a long form with 32 fields into a mysql.. this question Just use NULL as your first value the autoincrement field will still work as expected INSERT INTO tblname VALUES..
(mysql, php) How to get auto_increment field value before inserting data? in it for example 12345_filename.jpg . How could I get autoincrement value before inserting into DB I see only one solution insert.. into DB I see only one solution insert empty row get it's autoincrement value delete this row insert row with real data using autoincrement.. value delete this row insert row with real data using autoincrement value from p.1 Is there any other solutions Thank you php mysql..
Sorting an array into a multidimensional array based on “parent_id” from the database and change each albums key to it's id autoincrement id . Next I want to reorganize the array of albums into a multidemensional..
how to get last inserted Id of a Sqlite database using Zend_Db BEGIN TRANSACTION CREATE TABLE b a integer primary key autoincrement b varchar 1 COMMIT This code gives me a lastInsertId public..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) COMMIT Have a look at LAST_INSERT_ID to reuse autoincrement values. Edit you said After all this time trying to figure it.. second statement will automatically be the value of the autoincrement column that was inserted in the first statement. Unfortunately..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases your primary key for all objects. A sequence generator or autoincrement column is necessary to generate oid values. All inherited classes.. key with cascaded delete. The parent table gets the autoincrement oid column and the children get plain oid columns. Queries on..
Doctrine and unrefreshed relationships tblschool columns sch_id name sch_id as id primary true autoincrement true type integer 4 sch_name name sch_name as name type string.. tblstudent columns stu_id name stu_id as id primary true autoincrement true type integer 4 stu_sch_id name stu_sch_id as school_id..
MySQL INSERT …ON DUPLICATE UPDATE - Adds one to the autoincrement INSERT &hellip ON DUPLICATE UPDATE Adds one to the autoincrement I keep track of all the http_user_agents that visit me with.. innodb_autoinc_lock_mode parameter to 0 for traditional autoincrement lock mode which guarantees that all INSERT statements will assign..