php Programming Glossary: autoloading
Do PHP opcode cache work with __autoload? here is the entry point the full path to the file. What autoloading generally do is get the name of a class transform it to the..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? the misconceptions and the possible solution s . The autoloading and routing are separate things. From the look of you posted.. that have some significance for the rest of applications autoloading class takes the separated URL segments and attempts to include.. you could get away with a single function. How to do autoloading Part of the problem that I see is the confusion about how autoload..
PHP5 Frameworks: Autoloading and Opcode Caching and models . There are a couple of posts on the issue of autoloading and opcode caching. One post in particular has a response by.. to be any discussion as to any possible alternatives to autoloading which do not affect opcode cache performance. Is there a way..
How to use include within a function?
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? to have issues with UTF 8 characters Requires a lot of autoloading impeding performance Badly micromanaged config file Terrible.. with optional test implementation Full documentation No autoloading required. Just in time loading of libraries for performance..
Using Zend Framework for highload projects was never really part of the ViewRenderer's genetics. Use autoloading. Strip require_once calls from the framework library so unneeded..
Auditing a PHP codebase instead of require_once . This article explains autoloading in good detail. String and Redundant Booleans &mdash a lot of..
cost of “include” in PHP? Does it really make much difference in comparison to autoloading individual files that for instance searches across several directories..
While I am debugging PHP Script in Eclipse, it doesn't load mysql extension
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application Application_Model_Xyz etc. Starting from v1.10 ZF supports autoloading namespaces and it's working fine when including namespaced libraries..
Efficient PHP auto-loading and naming strategies for web apps and sites. When doing MVC with PHP autoloading obviously comes in extremely handy. I've become a fan of spl_autoload_register.. different base modules that each use their own autoloading. However I've never felt great about the loading functions that.. like to improve it. I'm very curious what file naming and autoloading strategies other developers might employ. I'm looking specifically..
autoload and multiple directories a couple of examples you can take a look at the articles Autoloading PHP Classes to Reduce CPU Usage Autoload Magic BTW this convention..
PHP5 Frameworks: Autoloading and Opcode Caching Frameworks Autoloading and Opcode Caching A number of frameworks utilize spl_autoload_register.. on Zend Frameworks mailing list http ZF and Autoloading td640085i20.html Now the correlation is here because if you..
Zend Framework: Autoloading a Class Library Framework Autoloading a Class Library I've got a class library in defined here .....
is there a reason why Magento shouldn't support uninstall/downgrade for modules initial investigations of the ORM that is magento and the Autoloading as well as another developer's input on his findings as well...
What PHP application design/design patterns do you use? parameters. A consistent API is an easier API. Remember Autoloading The class names can get a little clunky and long but the way..
PHPUnit best practices to organize tests of your production code so the numbers don't lie to you Autoloading and bootstrapping your tests You don't need any sort of auto..