php Programming Glossary: automatic
PHP: mysql v mysqli v pdo [closed] even one your entire application can be destroyed by an automatic SQL vulnerability exploit tool . Both mysqli and PDO support..
php $_POST array empty upon form submission to without the WWW. and I had set up an automatic redirect to add the WWW. The _POST array was getting emptied..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET latin1 Now imagine that we have an automatic pipeline importing transcripts meta data from Ensembl and that..
Automatic PHP Documentation Generation? ugly in my opinion. Does anyone have any experience with automatic documentation generation for PHP I'd prefer to be able to use..
Tools for PHP code refactoring share improve this question rephactor is an automatic refactoring tool. It is still a bit incomplete but it has a..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? selection of the most appropriate choice MAY be performed automatically. However this specification does not define any standard.. this specification does not define any standard for such automatic selection. If the server has a preferred choice of representation.. field user agents MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise...
How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess? questions 3033407 just anything i want I have used some automatic web tools for creating the .htacces file but its not working..
Assigning xml generated by a while loop to a variable result dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE enable automatic indenting dom loadXML ' users ' set root node foreach result.. DOM escaped the special chars in John Doe's name for you automatically. DOM will also make sure the XML element names or attributes..
Strict mode in PHP? mode in PHP Other languages with automatic variable declaration like Perl have a strict mode. By activating..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? Cons Feels a bit bloated 50 files And yet it lacks automatic cookie login Doesn't support logins with both username and email.. its tiny footprint Lightweight no bloat 3 files Elegant automatic cookie login Comes with optional test implementation nice touch..
PHP Get Site URL Protocol - http vs https define 'SITE_URL' siteURL Under SSL doesn't the server automatically convert the url to https even if the anchor tag url is using..
SimpleXML get element content based on attribute value [duplicate] Title Type String Disclosing ambiguous gene aliases by automatic literature profiling. Item DocSum DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item..
PHP array performance If I do need to convert it to let's say C how good are the automatic converters My script is just a lot of for loops with basic arrays..
PHP curl post to login to Wordpress i am working on a project for a client which needs an automatic login from a link click. I'm using a handshake page to do this..
Is Quercus a viable replacement for PHP in Java environments? in PHP it doesn't support all the curl options. So automatic plugin downloads did not work. It wasn't that big of a deal..
How to execute PHP code periodically in an automatic way to execute PHP code periodically in an automatic way I am willing to truncate a table in a MySQL database periodically.. the code that does so run in a specific period of time automatically e.g every week. Do you know any approach or class to do.. approaches. First is based on cron jobs your system may automatically call some PHP script every week. See more in Wikipedia article..
How to get user timezone using jquery? a lot. Thanks stackoverflow members http automatic timezone detection with javascript From what I understand about..
VIM Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File So I work in a PHP shop and we all use..
Common CRUD functions in PHP
Automatic image format detection in PHP image format detection in PHP I am looking for a way to take..
Automatic PHP Documentation Generation? PHP Documentation Generation For ActionScript 2 I've used NaturalDocs..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation I don't care so I can put in the description. Optional Automatic recognition of parameter types return values and such. But that's.. de PHP_Beautifier . Possible translation of the title Automatically adding phpDoc tags using PHP_Beautifier The idea is actually..
How to create .po files using xgettext on Windows? edit and compile .po files http Features Automatic compilation of .mo files optional . You can use Poedit to scan..
What's a good & complete PHP/MySQL Screen Scraper project? is an option too Optional features Listen to robots.txt Automatic rate limiting Scrape based on rules into a data object Admin..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? and profile data Emails for activation and lost passwords Automatic cookie login feature Configurable phpass for hashing properly..
git: Automatic tagging of releases Automatic tagging of releases How do you tag your release versions in..
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images..
Conversion of SVG into PNG/JPEG/BMP and Vice Versa? of work at the time and had nothing better to do. Point is Automatic tracing of raster images to produce vector images is hit and..
PHP framework for building e-commerce site? [closed] Product Ratings Open Source Free Documentation Templatable Automatic Image Resize 20 Payment Gateways 8 Shipping Methods Demo Frontend..
Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs) clean and SEO friendly URL slugs Definition From Wikipedia..
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed] for DOM manipulation. Completely customizable using CSS. Automatic creation of field summaries for form mailers in both HTML and..
Automatic post-registration user authentication post registration user authentication We're building a business..
How to get the image type in php [duplicate] php duplicate This question already has an answer here Automatic image format detection in PHP 6 answers I am trying to..
How to get started deploying PHP applications from a subversion repository? setup deployment share improve this question Automatic deploy run of tests to a staging server is known as continuous..
Automatic Soundcloud PHP Api authentication without user interaction Soundcloud PHP Api authentication without user interaction ..
Zend Framework Automatic Logout after inactivity Framework Automatic Logout after inactivity I'm working on an application that..