php Programming Glossary: assumed
How foreach actually works is how you loop an array with foreach . For a long time I assumed that foreach worked with the array itself. Then I found many.. that it works with a copy of the array and I have since assumed this to be the end of the story. But I recently got into a discussion..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? string offset X Notice Use of undefined constant XXX assumed 'XXX' MySql You have an error in your SQL syntax check the manual..
Time calculation in php (add 10 hours)? s A' strtotime today 36000 today is today date Edit I had assumed you had a string time in today if you're just using the current..
PHP class instantiation. To use or not to use the parentheses? To use or not to use the parentheses I've always assumed that in the absence of constructor parameters the parentheses..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? it's matching will be interpreted as UTF 8 I presume you assumed the latter . w matches the underscore character. You specifically..
How can I find the first and last date in a month using PHP? it assumes the current date and time. Current timestamp is assumed so these find first and last day of THIS month first_day_this_month..
Strtotime() doesn't work with dd/mm/YYYY format if the separator is a slash then the American m d y is assumed whereas if the separator is a dash or a dot . then the European..
What does the PHP error message “Notice: Use of undefined constant” mean? in logs PHP Notice Use of undefined constant department assumed 'department' line 5 PHP Notice Use of undefined constant name.. line 5 PHP Notice Use of undefined constant name assumed 'name' line 6 PHP Notice Use of undefined constant email assumed.. 'name' line 6 PHP Notice Use of undefined constant email assumed 'email' line 7 PHP Notice Use of undefined constant message..
PHP: multiple SQL queries in one mysql_query statement possible to execute multiple queries with it. It cannot be assumed that the mysql command line client mysql help is installed for.. installed for loading the SQL file directly It cannot be assumed that the mysqli extension is installed contents of dump.sql..
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name echo ' hr ' I get Notice Use of undefined constant meta assumed 'meta' in usr local apache htdocsNewDev PHPExcel Classes PHPExcel..
PHP XML inserting element after (or before) another element will just create the element within newsletter . I assumed this would be fairly simple but cannot seem to find a solution..
Why should I fix E_NOTICE errors? an error message Notice Use of undefined constant username assumed 'username' in home user example2.php on line 8 fred 3. THE BEST..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? the Finder interface for your actual code but since we assumed them to already have these methods it's just a matter of slapping..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP function initCs script This is my own script and i've assumed that you have created country and region tables. But you need..