php Programming Glossary: aspect
Type casting for user defined objects have types the values still do. A particular interesting aspect of PHP is that it is possible to change the type of a value...
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? domain object that collection contains. Note In some aspect you could say that the mapper are related to builder factory..
How to Auto-Resize a DIV with CSS while keeping Aspect Ratio? do is just use the Width and Height variables to assign an aspect ratio to that DIV and then have that DIV auto resize to 100.. of the container it is inside but while keeping that same aspect ratio. Example User selects a Width of 4 and a Height of 2 then.. resizes to 1000px wide and 500px tall that would be the aspect ratio of 4 to 2 Any ideas codes scripts would be extremely helpful..
PHP: Storing 'objects' inside the $_SESSION again. Further answers could maybe elaborate on that aspect a bit more php session object share improve this question..
Crop image in PHP and then crop it to 200x150px. This is so that the aspect ratio of the image won't change. Here's a general formula for.. 150 width imagesx image height imagesy image original_aspect width height thumb_aspect thumb_width thumb_height if original_aspect.. height imagesy image original_aspect width height thumb_aspect thumb_width thumb_height if original_aspect thumb_aspect If..
How do i resize and convert an uploaded image to a PNG using GD width_orig height_orig type getimagesize srcFile Get the aspect ratio ratio_orig width_orig height_orig width maxSize height..
How do I prevent site scraping? . As others have mentioned scrapers can fake nearly every aspect of their activities and it is probably very difficult to identify..
PHP crop image to fix width and height without losing dimension ratio using a part of the image as the thumbnail which has a 1 1 aspect ratio mostly the center of the image . If you look closely you..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation you the existing bulletin board is somewhat of a social aspect in the orgainsation and I think liking and disliking agreeing..
Sanitizing HTML input a rich text editor to allow a non programmer to change the aspect of text. However one issue is that it's possible to distort..
Zend PHP framework and learn from them. My response centered on the database aspect of ZF but I think a lot of power can also be found in all of..
Calculating image size ratio for resizing into the target size as best it can keeping the original aspect ratio not stretching the image larger than the original targetWidth..
Removing redundant line breaks with regular expressions changed to Porcupines br are br br porcupiney. One tricky aspect of checking for line breaks is the possibility of their being..
How to Auto-Resize a DIV with CSS while keeping Aspect Ratio? to Auto Resize a DIV with CSS while keeping Aspect Ratio What I have is a standard form in HTML that allows the..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? just for server side operations. One is more related to Aspect oriented programming with signals and slots and the other is.. article about AOP I've linked above http blog 251 Aspects Filters and Signals Oh My .html was written by Matthew Weier..
Codeigniter AOP me php codeigniter aop share improve this question Aspect Oriented Programming is not very widespread in the PHP world..
Are there any working Aspect-Oriented PHP libraries? [closed] there any working Aspect Oriented PHP libraries closed It seems like the topic of Aspect.. Oriented PHP libraries closed It seems like the topic of Aspect Oriented Programming AOP in PHP started sometime in 2005 and.. 2007. Some now apparently dead projects include AOPHP AspectPHP Transparent PHP AOP PHP AOP So is there anyone out there..
PHP/GD - Cropping and Resizing Images x 0 y 0 width imagesx image height imagesy image CROP Aspect Ratio Section if is_null crop true crop array width height.. x 0 y 0 width imagesx image height imagesy image CROP Aspect Ratio Section if is_null crop true crop array width height..