php Programming Glossary: assignments
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? token I need to send the parameters to create a domestic assignments I need to track the delivery status too here is my updated code..
PHP syntax question: What does the question mark and colon mean? [duplicate] use in expressions. Can be very useful in making concise assignments that depend on some condition e.g. param isset _GET 'param'..
Matrix Combination Logic validation combinations would result in different level assignments. I understand that I could add the combination logic in the..
php - help improve the efficiency of this youtube style url generator CPU cycles here and there. Mostly things like unnecessary assignments extra comparisons etc. Also strings can be treated as arrays..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation 1 47 WARNING Equals sign not aligned with surrounding assignments 51 ERROR Missing function doc comment 88 ERROR Line not indented..
Test if port open and forwarded using PHP 3306 is not responding. See http assignments port numbers for a complete list of port numbers. share improve..
Character Sets explained for Dummies! [closed] number U 0041 U 0042 U 0043. Go see the PDF charts for the assignments. A character encoding maps these code points to the numerical..
PHP/mySQL - how to fetch nested rows into multidimensinal array tables... if that's a problem then you need to change the assignments in the loop above to pull out only the fields you want. share..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] looking for something that does more like unused variable assignments arrays that are assigned into without being initialized first..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? match your code sample despite breaking otherwise valid assignments class_variable_declaration ... T_VARIABLE ' ' T_ARRAY ' ' array_pair_list..
Applying watermarks on pdf files when users try to download the files try to download the files The solutions for my school's assignments all have waterstamps on the PDFs with our username on it. I..
Security of strip_tags() and mysqli_real_escape_string() in a school project on information security and one of the assignments is to write some secure pages in PHP. None of the people on..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 the goto will allow you to jump back and forth accidental assignments and infinite loops are waiting to happen if you use this the..