php Programming Glossary: assertsame
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? public function testFooDoesSomethingToQueryResults this assertSame 'expectedResult' this testSubject findById 1 and realize you..
Mocking concrete method in abstract class using phpunit any method 'abstractMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Succeeds Ideally I would like this to.. any method 'concreteMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Fails concreteMethod returns NULL One.. any method 'concreteMethod' will this returnValue 2 this assertSame 2 stub concreteMethod Succeeds Similar to above but using getMockForAbstractClass..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit public function testBar x new Foo this assertSame 1 x bar php class Foo public function bar return 1 produces.. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase public function testBar this assertSame 'b' Foo getDomain 'a' this assertInstanceOf 'Config' Foo getDomain..