php Programming Glossary: asdf
Helping using JSON for an API api v1 account reputation current.json pid 12345 apiKey asdf srid 34 customerid 98765 Manually build yourself a working URL..
htmlspecialchars vs htmlentities when concerned with XSS using local redirection For instance php _GET 'password' 'asdf ddddd fancy quotes ' echo htmlspecialchars _GET 'password' ENT_COMPAT.. 'password' ENT_COMPAT ENT_HTML401 'UTF 8' . n Output asdf amp ddddd quot fancy echo htmlentities _GET 'password' ENT_COMPAT.. _GET 'password' ENT_COMPAT ENT_HTML401 'UTF 8' . n Output asdf amp ddddd quot fancy Euml quotes You should always use htmlentities..
PHP Typecasting - Good or bad? 10 20 ok throws an exception displayRoomCount asdf 10 wrong prints 10 people asdf boys and 10 girls One approach.. exception displayRoomCount asdf 10 wrong prints 10 people asdf boys and 10 girls One approach to solving this is to restrict.. people numBoys boys and numGirls girls n displayRoomCount asdf 10 ok now prints 10 people 0 boys and 10 girls The function..
Can I define a variable in a PHP if condition? For example can I do if my_array wp_get_category id echo asdf else echo 1234 If nothing is returned by the function I want..
How can I calculate the SHA-256 hash of a string in Android? code that I want to match echo bin2hex mhash MHASH_SHA256 asdf outputs f0e4c2f76c58916ec258f246851bea091d14d4247a2fc3e18694461b1816e13b.. in Java I'm trying to do the following String password asdf MessageDigest digest null try digest MessageDigest.getInstance.. Solution thanks to erickson Log.i Eamorr bin2hex getHash asdf public byte getHash String password MessageDigest digest null..
reliably convert string containing PHP array info to array [duplicate] array array 4 5 6 'this is a comma inside a string' array 'asdf' 'lalal' and I try to explode this into an array by comma so.. 2 'this is a comma inside a string' explode 3 array 'asdf' 'lalal' simply calling explode ' ' str is not going to cut.. array array 4 5 6 'this is a comma inside a string' array 'asdf' 'lalal' function explode_string str result NULL validate string..