php Programming Glossary: articles
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way queries. Quassnoi wrote an interesting series of blog articles showing techniques for querying hierarchical data. His solutions..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? pdo_query SELECT id links html title user date FROM articles WHERE title ' . pdo_real_escape_string title . ' OR id ' . pdo_real_escape_string.. that pdo_query SELECT id links html title user date FROM articles WHERE title OR id AND user ORDER BY date title id root Remember..
Detect language from string in PHP
Getting the screen resolution using PHP PHP. You must do it with JavaScript. There are several articles written on how to do this. Essentially you can set a cookie..
Using PHP and google Maps Api to work out distance between 2 post codes (UK) also be interesting in checking out the following related articles Stack Overflow Calculate driving directions using PHP Getting..
Parsing CSS by regex
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? why use PUT DELETE POST GET So i was looking through some articles on creating REST API's. And some of them suggest using all types..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking these problems. I've been reading the following two articles on Chris Shiflett's website Session Fixation Session Hijacking..
PHP to store images in MySQL or not? on saving images to mysql here http articles images in mysql I am only a hobby programmer and haven't ever..
Is mysql_real_escape_string() broken? query even when properly used. Bringing some fossilized articles as a proof. So the question is is mysql i _real escape_string..
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? which deals with multi byte strings yet in countless articles PHP is criticized for its lack of Unicode support. I don't get..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? interacts with a model and performs the query Select FROM articles where id '10' and returns the row containing the columns id..
How should a model be structured in MVC? for presentation layer when it comes to dealing with articles of course you might have some XHR components that are not directly.. have some XHR components that are not directly related to articles . .. that's it. Old version from early 2011 Actually the model..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions and I managed to apply most principles introduced in the articles. However there are 2 main things I still can't get my head around...
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game more info from Adobe http devnet flashplayer articles secure_swf_apps_12.html and https mikechambers as3corelib..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? on. Then during the course of my studies I came across articles such as MVC No Silver Bullet and this podcast on the topic of..
Using X-Sendfile with Apache/PHP
How to create friendly URL in php? this question See the fine article http articles search engine urls It explains that yeah you want a mod_rewrite..