php Programming Glossary: ascending
Detect future duplicate values while iterating through MySQL results in PHP ranks and double check which way the points would come up ascending or descending . You can use count to see if there's a tie. ..
Is there a difference between !== and != in PHP?
Get all child, grandchild etc nodes under parent using php with mysql query results tree out of an adjacency list and keep the id's ordered in ascending order. This also makes the id 's of each parent child the key..
How to sort the results of this code? working a bit better. Also its a coincidence that its in ascending order it is showing the first 5 matching results in the database...
Anatomy of a Distributed System in PHP set of timestamps execute and flag them as complete in ascending order or should I have a more clever system like when timestamp..
Sorting an array of SimpleXML objects 2 56 And I want to be able to sort by whatever column ascending or descending. Something like sort data 'name' 'asc' Where I..
Sort an array by a child array's value in PHP 0.0504154818384 I would like to sort the parent array by 2 ascending in the child arrays so in this case the result would be the..
How to sort a 'query_posts' function by custom field, while limiting posts by another custom field of 30 days or less. I need this to also order the posts in ascending order from low to high using the data from another custom field..
PHP sort array by two field values Sort the data with volume descending edition ascending array_multisort return_fare SORT_ASC one_way_fare SORT_ASC data..
PHP: array_merge & array_unique about the keys in ab however it would be nice if they were ascending starting at 0 to count ab 1. Thanks in advance. php arrays..
PHP MySQL Order by Two Columns by share improve this question Default sorting is ascending you need to add the keyword DESC to both your orders ORDER BY..
Caching a 302MB object chunks of varying sizes starting at a minimum number and ascending by a factorial up to the largest possible value. Say the minimum..
How to sort a date array in PHP Array 2nd May 2009 'bla' I want to sort them out in the ascending order of the dates based on the month day and year . What's..
query is not outputting all of the details? this question I suppose you have ordered your result set ascending with sql statement ORDER BY `CourseName` ASC so the problem..
Ascending Form numbers in Yii not be entered by user.It will be generated randomly with ascending order like for the 1st form it will be like this FORM 001 For..