php Programming Glossary: artist
Converting NSArray -> JSON -> NSData -> PHP server ->JSON representation @ MySong @ title @ MyArtist @ artist nil arrayOfDicts addObject dict NSArray info NSArray arrayWithArray.. response to NSLoging in Xcode... NSLog @ Info @ info Info artist MyArtist title MySong artist MyArtist title MySong php objective.. NSLog @ Info @ info Info artist MyArtist title MySong artist MyArtist title MySong php objective c ios json asiformdatarequest..
Sessions and uploadify ' extra flash uploadify.swf' 'script' ' admin uploads artistsphotos' 'scriptData' 'PHPSESSID' ' session_id ' 'cancelImg'.. ' 'cancelImg' ' images cancel.png' 'folder' ' img artists' 'queueID' 'fileQueue' 'auto' false 'multi' true 'onComplete'.. this fi bla.val .ajax type POST url admin uploads artistsphotosupload data artist fi success function msg console.log..
Get first day of week in PHP?
PHP - Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array need to index the resulting array numerically and then by artist. source array array 'Michael Jackson' 'Thriller' array 'Michael.. 'ACDC' 'Back in Black' result array foreach source as item artist key item album current item if isset result artist result artist.. as item artist key item album current item if isset result artist result artist array result artist album And you can loop the..
How do I prevent site scraping? scraping I have a fairly large music website with a large artist database. I've been noticing other music sites scraping our..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP else that function returns. Currently I'm trying to pull artist and track metadata from an AOL stream. php audio streaming..
mysql_fetch_array return only one row row Ok I have the following code array mysql_query SELECT artist FROM directory WHERE artist LIKE 'a ' OR artist LIKE 'b ' OR.. code array mysql_query SELECT artist FROM directory WHERE artist LIKE 'a ' OR artist LIKE 'b ' OR artist LIKE 'c ' array_result.. SELECT artist FROM directory WHERE artist LIKE 'a ' OR artist LIKE 'b ' OR artist LIKE 'c ' array_result mysql_fetch_array..
Parse html table using file_get_contents to php array data in some format for instance to create an array of artists and corresponding titles as php require 'simple_html_dom.php'.. html find 'tr' as row time row find 'td' 0 plaintext artist row find 'td' 1 plaintext title row find 'td' 2 plaintext table.. 'td' 1 plaintext title row find 'td' 2 plaintext table artist title true echo ' pre ' print_r table echo ' pre ' We can see..