

php Programming Glossary: asd

How to detect and remove unnecessary xmlns:<something> attributes in PHP DOM?


' element subelement xmlns someprefix http mynamespace asd subelement element ' sxe simplexml_import_dom d namespaces sxe..

Parsing a string into a boolean value in PHP


isBoolean false Returns true instead of false isBoolean asd Returns true instead of false It only seems to work with 1 and..

How replace all spaces inside HTML elements with &nbsp; using preg_replace?


before and after html ^ ^ ^ Edit here you go.... php data dasdad asd a table atrr zxzx tr td adfa a adfadfaf td td br dfa dfa.. and after html ^ ^ ^ Edit here you go.... php data dasdad asd a table atrr zxzx tr td adfa a adfadfaf td td br dfa dfa td.. zxzx tr td adfa a adfadfaf td td br dfa dfa td tr table asdasd s exp w s w s s . '. ' ^' s s s ^ ex1 ^ ^ i ex2 ^ i data..

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;


like this php if this value Hello php elseif this asd Your name is this name php else You don't have a name. php endif..

Loop an array of array


a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 f 3 row 4 cols 5 blablabla 6 Array 0 asd 1 qwe any idea thanks. php loops multidimensional array ..

php md5 algorithm that gives same result as c#


a hashing algorithm in C# in a nutshell it is string input asd System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 alg System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create.. output Now I need to replicate this behaviour in php input asd output HashSomething input echo output How can I achieve it.. If you are running PHP5 you can use base64_encode md5 'asd' true . Notice the second parameter to md5 is true which makes..