php Programming Glossary: articleid
Returning An Array of Objects in PHP Web Service 'ArticleType' 'complexType' 'struct' 'all' '' array 'articleId' array 'name' 'articleId' 'type' 'xsd int' 'heading' array 'name'.. 'struct' 'all' '' array 'articleId' array 'name' 'articleId' 'type' 'xsd int' 'heading' array 'name' 'heading' 'type' 'xsd.. My PHP Article class is very simple class Article public articleId public heading public text public function __construct articleId..
Access Joomla 2.5 from external script to get article by id mainframe initialise echo mainframe getCfg 'sitename' articleId JRequest getInt 'Itemid' db JFactory getDBO sql SELECT fulltext.. sql SELECT fulltext FROM #__content WHERE id 260 .intval articleId db setQuery sql fullArticle db loadResult Article ID 260 is..
How to get article text by article ID in Joomla? id with post get and using variable id as its number articleId JRequest getInt 'id' db JFactory getDBO sql SELECT fulltext.. sql SELECT fulltext FROM #__content WHERE id .intval articleId db setQuery sql fullArticle db loadResult if strlen trim fullArticle.. trim fullArticle fullArticle Article is empty EDIT to get articleId from anywhere articleId JRequest getVar 'option' 'com_content'..