php Programming Glossary: array_unshift
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? function pop return array_shift this data function push x array_unshift this data x function count return count this data function first.. data 0 t function dup put a copy of X element in the stack array_unshift this data this data 0 function dump dump array data for debuging..
Get all combinations of a PHP array? items newperms perms list foo array_splice newitems i 1 array_unshift newperms foo pc_permute newitems newperms arr array 'peter'..
How to increase by 1 all keys in an array? there's one very simple way to do it arr array 'a' 'b' 'c' array_unshift arr null unset arr 0 print_r arr Array 1 a 2 b 3 c Will work..
PHP prepend associative array with literal keys? associative array with literal key value pairs I know that array_unshift works with numerical keys but I'm hoping for something that..
How to bind an arbitrary number of values to a prepared statement in mysqli? text_cont VALUES foreach reverse as value params value array_unshift str_repeat 's' count params call_user_func_array array stmt..
mysqli bind_param() expected to be a reference, value given Also tried OOP OOP insert_stmt mysqli prepare query array_unshift params param_type call_user_func_array array insert_stmt 'bind_param'..
Active Directory Lookup via PHP cred explode ' ' _SERVER 'REMOTE_USER' if count cred 1 array_unshift cred no domain info perhaps SSPIOmitDomain is On list domain..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP items newperms perms list foo array_splice newitems i 1 array_unshift newperms foo res permutationSort newitems newperms if res ..
Multidimensional array iteration nodes while count arr 0 n array_shift arr if is_array n array_unshift arr null arr array_merge n arr s . ' node ' elseif is_null n..
List of Big-O for PHP functions array_rand array_pop array_push is faster than array_shift array_unshift due to re index penalty Lookups array_key_exists O n but really.. O 1 array_shift O n it has to reindex all the keys array_unshift O n var_i for all i it has to reindex all the keys Array Intersection..
Dynamically bind mysqli_stmt parameters and then bind result (PHP) key paramstr . 'i' else paramstr . 's' params data key array_unshift params stmt paramstr and then call bind_param with the proper.. types . 's' string else types . 'b' blob and unknown array_unshift params types Start stmt query this connection stmt_init this..
Permutations - all possible sets of numbers items newperms perms list foo array_splice newitems i 1 array_unshift newperms foo pc_permute newitems newperms share improve..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays item append copy Undo the side effecst of array_shift array_unshift values product key Out of the foreach we can add to results..
HTTP response code after redirect header 0 5 add buffer on top of all responses if buffer array_unshift responses buffer buffer array list version code phrase explode.. '. value fields name value unset fields remove reference array_unshift responses buffer return responses For more information see HEAD..
Transposing multidimensional arrays in PHP share improve this question function transpose array array_unshift array null return call_user_func_array 'array_map' array share..
Programatically retrieve list of all shipping methods 'value' _code 'label' _title . _code if isMultiSelect array_unshift options array 'value' '' 'label' Mage helper 'adminhtml' __..