php Programming Glossary: array_reduce
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? for PHP 5.3 private function pluck key data return array_reduce data function result array use key isset array key result array.. the ones that do exist. As for your test case...we can use array_reduce to implement pluck . The first version I posted relied on array_map.. relied on array_map however I agree with @salathe that array_reduce is more succinct for this task array_map is an OK option but..
List of Big-O for PHP functions O pad_size array_flip O n array_sum O n array_product O n array_reduce O n array_filter O n array_map O n array_chunk O n array_combine..
How can I use PHP 5.3 Closures like We use Blocks in Ruby null if initial null first array_shift this arr result array_reduce this arr lambda first array_unshift this arr first return result.. array_unshift this arr first return result else return array_reduce this arr lambda initial list new enum array 1 3 4 5 7 list..
Why use anonymous function? [duplicate] see how nicely you can produce array of names. Last one array_reduce array_filter array function val return val 2 0 function reduced..
find max() of specific multidimensional array value in php array max share improve this question Think array_reduce if you want to compute some single value iteratively over an.. to compute some single value iteratively over an array max array_reduce array function a b return a b 'time' a b 'time' Or you could..
Counting Occurence of Specific Value in An Array With PHP count array_filter array function n return n 6 Or echo array_reduce array function v n return v n 6 0 Or echo count array_keys array..
use strings to access (potentially large) multidimensional arrays function str use vars c function v w return w v w v return array_reduce preg_split '~ ' ' ~' str c vars echo vars one 'one one' # hello..
how to search in array with preg_match? I just want to get the value of the specified groups. How array_reduce with preg_match can solve this issue in clean manner see the.. specify '_matcher' as an anonymous function directly to array_reduce though that kind of decreases readability and is therefore not.. is therefore not recommended but it is possible. matches array_reduce haystack '_matcher' array print_r matches output Array 0 stackoverflow..