jquery Programming Glossary: tinymce.triggersave
Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122085/problem-jquery-and-tinymce-textarea-value-doesnt-submit
How to get TinyMCE and Jquery validate to work together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933990/how-to-get-tinymce-and-jquery-validate-to-work-together with my jquery tinymce so I have this in my code update validation status on change onchange_callback function editor tinyMCE.triggerSave # editor.id .valid This works however there is one problem. If a user copies something from word it brings all that junk.. problem. So I fixed it by calling the validation on the click event of a button instead. #buttontosave .click function tinyMCE.triggerSave var status status #myform .valid Validate again if status true Carry on else This works try it. For additional resources..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin OUT MY MODIFICATION input.keypress function e if e.ctrlKey e.keyCode 83 alert Ctrl S pressed e.preventDefault tinyMCE.triggerSave tinyMCE.execCommand mceRemoveControl true original .attr id '_mce' else tinyMCE.triggerSave tinyMCE.execCommand mceRemoveControl.. e.preventDefault tinyMCE.triggerSave tinyMCE.execCommand mceRemoveControl true original .attr id '_mce' else tinyMCE.triggerSave tinyMCE.execCommand mceRemoveControl true original .attr id '_mce' reset function settings original tinyMCE.execCommand..
TinyMCE + Jquery + PHP + AJAX Special chars issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8863560/tinymce-jquery-php-ajax-special-chars-issue the TinyMCE with no errors. Then i have a jquery function that holds the ajax process #save btn .click function tinyMCE.triggerSave alert '#e_text' .val #status .html ' img src css img ajax loader.gif align absmiddle nbsp Saving...' .ajax type POST..