jquery Programming Glossary: ticks
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing be 31. The only solution then I figured out was to set the ticks myself. In this case you do not need min max and tickInterval..
Constructing Json for JqPlot Bar Charts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10514311/constructing-json-for-jqplot-bar-charts 3 Label ma Value 8 Label ja Value 8 var dataSlices var ticks .each json function entryindex entry dataSlices.push entry 'Value'.. function entryindex entry dataSlices.push entry 'Value' ticks.push entry 'Label' This is demonstrated in the following code..
How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475670/how-to-validate-a-date-using-3-dropdowns-day-month-year-using-jquery-unobtr DateTime dt new DateTime DobYear DobMonth DobDay long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks dt.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year.. ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks dt.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year if years 18 ModelState.AddModelError DateOfBirth You.. object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks date.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year..
Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13610741/use-jquery-or-q-js-for-promises with jQuery .when.apply ¦] . Q does explicitly work with ticks in the event loop and guarantees asynchronity while jQuery can..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts mode time timeformat d m y minTickSize 1 day yaxis ticks 11 tickDecimals 0 min 0 max 5 I realize that I need to make..
Proper way to format date from database using javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649057/proper-way-to-format-date-from-database-using-javascript-jquery to work with which you can then format as you like. var ticks dt Isolate the numeric portion of the value ticks 0 9 .exec.. var ticks dt Isolate the numeric portion of the value ticks 0 9 .exec json.dateValue 0 Convert to a number ticks parseInt.. value ticks 0 9 .exec json.dateValue 0 Convert to a number ticks parseInt ticks Convert to a date dt new Date ticks Alternately..
jqPlot DateAxis tickInterval not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8467233/jqplot-dateaxis-tickinterval-not-working others in the example above with only 2 points the x axis ticks which ' b' means just appear as Oct and Nov are rendered automatically.. '2 days' also breaks it. A workaround is to provide the ticks manually e.g. ticks '2011 10 01' '2011 11 01' This does put.. it. A workaround is to provide the ticks manually e.g. ticks '2011 10 01' '2011 11 01' This does put the ticks in the right..
jquery loading image while elements loads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/956047/jquery-loading-image-while-elements-loads loaded and have an onloaded event handler that basically ticks off the image count until all the images have been downloaded...
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing
Constructing Json for JqPlot Bar Charts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10514311/constructing-json-for-jqplot-bar-charts data comes as an array var json Label be Value 5 Label ga Value 3 Label ma Value 8 Label ja Value 8 var dataSlices var ticks .each json function entryindex entry dataSlices.push entry 'Value' ticks.push entry 'Label' This is demonstrated in the.. Value 8 Label ja Value 8 var dataSlices var ticks .each json function entryindex entry dataSlices.push entry 'Value' ticks.push entry 'Label' This is demonstrated in the following code which reuses a standard example from jqPlot website . share..
How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475670/how-to-validate-a-date-using-3-dropdowns-day-month-year-using-jquery-unobtr DateOfBirth Date of birth is required else DateTime dt new DateTime DobYear DobMonth DobDay long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks dt.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year if years 18 ModelState.AddModelError DateOfBirth You.. DateTime dt new DateTime DobYear DobMonth DobDay long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks dt.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year if years 18 ModelState.AddModelError DateOfBirth You must be at least 18 if ModelState.IsValid register user.. IClientValidatable public override bool IsValid object value DateTime date Convert.ToDateTime value long ticks DateTime.Now.Ticks date.Ticks int years new DateTime ticks .Year return years 18 public IEnumerable ModelClientValidationRule..
Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13610741/use-jquery-or-q-js-for-promises values Q has .all and similiar which are more complicated with jQuery .when.apply ¦] . Q does explicitly work with ticks in the event loop and guarantees asynchronity while jQuery can be synchronous as well. This is now required by the Promises..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts true clickable true colors #37b7f3 #d12610 #52e136 xaxis mode time timeformat d m y minTickSize 1 day yaxis ticks 11 tickDecimals 0 min 0 max 5 I realize that I need to make mydata look like date value . Will that work I've the data..
Proper way to format date from database using javascript/jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649057/proper-way-to-format-date-from-database-using-javascript-jquery feed it into the Date constructor you'll get an actual date to work with which you can then format as you like. var ticks dt Isolate the numeric portion of the value ticks 0 9 .exec json.dateValue 0 Convert to a number ticks parseInt ticks Convert.. actual date to work with which you can then format as you like. var ticks dt Isolate the numeric portion of the value ticks 0 9 .exec json.dateValue 0 Convert to a number ticks parseInt ticks Convert to a date dt new Date ticks Alternately if the.. you like. var ticks dt Isolate the numeric portion of the value ticks 0 9 .exec json.dateValue 0 Convert to a number ticks parseInt ticks Convert to a date dt new Date ticks Alternately if the JSON serializer on the server supports a replacer..
jqPlot DateAxis tickInterval not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8467233/jqplot-dateaxis-tickinterval-not-working data using Ajax. Some datasets have more points of data than others in the example above with only 2 points the x axis ticks which ' b' means just appear as Oct and Nov are rendered automatically along the axis but too often e.g. Sep...Oct...Oct...Oct...Oct...Nov.. referring to Specifying any other interval e.g. tickInterval '2 days' also breaks it. A workaround is to provide the ticks manually e.g. ticks '2011 10 01' '2011 11 01' This does put the ticks in the right place but a is a hassle that should not.. any other interval e.g. tickInterval '2 days' also breaks it. A workaround is to provide the ticks manually e.g. ticks '2011 10 01' '2011 11 01' This does put the ticks in the right place but a is a hassle that should not be required and b..
jquery loading image while elements loads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/956047/jquery-loading-image-while-elements-loads included with the HTML that knows how many images are to be loaded and have an onloaded event handler that basically ticks off the image count until all the images have been downloaded. I usually couple it with a timeout in case the onloaded handler..