jquery Programming Glossary: tmpheight
How to “clear” absolutely positioned elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650539/how-to-clear-absolutely-positioned-elements var maxHeight 0 '#wrapper div' .each function var tmpHeight this .height this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight.. function var tmpHeight this .height this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight tmpHeight '#wrapper' .height maxHeight .. this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight tmpHeight '#wrapper' .height maxHeight jquery css share improve this..
.each() in a div element, find a child element, set height based on its content (advanced?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7821184/each-in-a-div-element-find-a-child-element-set-height-based-on-its-content is the following '#col main div' .each function var tmpHeight 0 this .find h2 .each function tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight.. function var tmpHeight 0 this .find h2 .each function tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .find h2.. 0 this .find h2 .each function tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .find h2 .height tmpHeight share..
How to “clear” absolutely positioned elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650539/how-to-clear-absolutely-positioned-elements have any ideas Solution based on Torgamus' suggested javascript var maxHeight 0 '#wrapper div' .each function var tmpHeight this .height this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight tmpHeight '#wrapper' .height maxHeight jquery css .. suggested javascript var maxHeight 0 '#wrapper div' .each function var tmpHeight this .height this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight tmpHeight '#wrapper' .height maxHeight jquery css share improve this question Based on your comment.. 0 '#wrapper div' .each function var tmpHeight this .height this .position .top if tmpHeight maxHeight maxHeight tmpHeight '#wrapper' .height maxHeight jquery css share improve this question Based on your comment Somehow finding the lowest..
.each() in a div element, find a child element, set height based on its content (advanced?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7821184/each-in-a-div-element-find-a-child-element-set-height-based-on-its-content I took k.honsali code and simplified a bit so my suggestion is the following '#col main div' .each function var tmpHeight 0 this .find h2 .each function tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .height tmpHeight this .find h2 .height tmpHeight..