jquery Programming Glossary: tmp
JQuery: Why am I getting an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1256593/jquery-why-am-i-getting-an-options-request-instead-of-a-get-request of a GET request With this code http paulisageek.com tmp options.html script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery.. isn't cross domain it works fine http metaward.com static tmp options.html . Shouldn't Jquery just make the call with a script..
Callback function after tooltip / popover is created with twitter bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14694930/callback-function-after-tooltip-popover-is-created-with-twitter-bootstrap share improve this question Works for tooltip var tmp .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show.. .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show function tmp.call this if this.options.callback this.options.callback this...
Is Subtracting Zero some sort of JavaScript performance trick? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2665984/is-subtracting-zero-some-sort-of-javascript-performance-trick list 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp parseInt string var time new Date start console.log parseInt.. ' 0 list 0 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp string 0 var time new Date start console.log string 0 time function.. 0 ' list 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp string var time new Date start console.log string time function..
Restart an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191922/restart-an-animated-gif-from-javascript-without-reloading-the-image tag corresponding to the next image to be displayed. var tmp nextimg_img.attr 'src' nextimg_img.attr 'src' '' setTimeout.. 'src' '' setTimeout function nextimg_img.attr 'src' tmp 0 img.fadeOut 'slow' nextimg.fadeIn 'slow' The idea is that..
jquery json to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3593046/jquery-json-to-string arr ' ' n ' ' String v return arr String json arr var tmp one 1 two 2 JSON.stringify tmp ' one 1 two 2 ' Code from http.. arr String json arr var tmp one 1 two 2 JSON.stringify tmp ' one 1 two 2 ' Code from http www.sitepoint.com blogs 2009..
Clone a file input element in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415483/clone-a-file-input-element-in-javascript since tried using jQuery's clone method as follows var tmp jQuery '#categoryImageFileInput_' id .clone var clone tmp 0.. tmp jQuery '#categoryImageFileInput_' id .clone var clone tmp 0 Works as expected in FireFox but again not in IE. I'm stuck...
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists var input this.element data input.data combobox tmp data.menuAll data.menuAll data.menu.element.hide data.menu.element.. data.menuAll data.menu.element.hide data.menu.element tmp build the source array from the options of the select element..
What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737453/what-does-formatresult-and-formatitem-options-do-in-jquery-autocomplete Handle data from ajax request prep_data function data tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i.. function data tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i Other internal autocomplete operations expect.. tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i Other internal autocomplete operations expect the data to..
Make a div scroll when i reach a certain point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7471382/make-a-div-scroll-when-i-reach-a-certain-point function var nav get_nav if nav.is_msie nav.ver 6 var tmp1 '#tag_container' .css 'position' var cur_w_offset start_offset.. false window .scroll function var tmp '#tag_container' .css 'position' ur_w_offset window .scrollTop.. nvp_pricetag.offset .top nvp_panel.offset .top 16 if tmp 'fixed' '#gift' .css 'position' 'fixed' var left '#butoni'..
Strip HTML from Text JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/822452/strip-html-from-text-javascript let the browser do it for you... function strip html var tmp document.createElement DIV tmp.innerHTML html return tmp.textContent.. function strip html var tmp document.createElement DIV tmp.innerHTML html return tmp.textContent tmp.innerText share..
Where are scripts loaded after an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8234215/where-are-scripts-loaded-after-an-ajax-call I've put all the code for review here http www.arix.com tmp loadWithJs javascript jquery jquery ajax jquery selectors ..
JQuery: Why am I getting an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1256593/jquery-why-am-i-getting-an-options-request-instead-of-a-get-request Why am I getting an OPTIONS request instead of a GET request With this code http paulisageek.com tmp options.html script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.3.2 jquery.js type text javascript script script .get.. and then the callback is never called with anything. When it isn't cross domain it works fine http metaward.com static tmp options.html . Shouldn't Jquery just make the call with a script node and then do the callback when its loaded I understand..
Callback function after tooltip / popover is created with twitter bootstrap? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14694930/callback-function-after-tooltip-popover-is-created-with-twitter-bootstrap function alert 'Awesome' javascript jquery twitter bootstrap share improve this question Works for tooltip var tmp .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show function tmp.call this if this.options.callback.. Works for tooltip var tmp .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show .fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype.show function tmp.call this if this.options.callback this.options.callback this. '#selector' .tooltip placement 'top' callback function alert..
Is Subtracting Zero some sort of JavaScript performance trick? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2665984/is-subtracting-zero-some-sort-of-javascript-performance-trick list console.log Sanity check parseInt ' list 0 ' parseInt list 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp parseInt string var time new Date start console.log parseInt string time function testMinusZero list console.log Sanity.. testMinusZero list console.log Sanity check ' list 0 ' 0 list 0 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp string 0 var time new Date start console.log string 0 time function testUnaryPlus list console.log Sanity check ' list 0.. function testUnaryPlus list console.log Sanity check ' list 0 ' list 0 var start new Date for var string in list var tmp string var time new Date start console.log string time function testPlusZero list console.log Sanity check ' list 0 ' 0..
Restart an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191922/restart-an-animated-gif-from-javascript-without-reloading-the-image div tags containing a single img each. nextimg_img is the img tag corresponding to the next image to be displayed. var tmp nextimg_img.attr 'src' nextimg_img.attr 'src' '' setTimeout function nextimg_img.attr 'src' tmp 0 img.fadeOut 'slow' nextimg.fadeIn.. to be displayed. var tmp nextimg_img.attr 'src' nextimg_img.attr 'src' '' setTimeout function nextimg_img.attr 'src' tmp 0 img.fadeOut 'slow' nextimg.fadeIn 'slow' The idea is that it sets the src attribute of the next image to '' then sets..
jquery json to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3593046/jquery-json-to-string ' ' v ' ' else if t object v null v JSON.stringify v json.push arr ' ' n ' ' String v return arr String json arr var tmp one 1 two 2 JSON.stringify tmp ' one 1 two 2 ' Code from http www.sitepoint.com blogs 2009 08 19 javascript json serialization.. v JSON.stringify v json.push arr ' ' n ' ' String v return arr String json arr var tmp one 1 two 2 JSON.stringify tmp ' one 1 two 2 ' Code from http www.sitepoint.com blogs 2009 08 19 javascript json serialization share improve this answer..
Clone a file input element in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415483/clone-a-file-input-element-in-javascript worked fine that is until I tried using it in IE. I've since tried using jQuery's clone method as follows var tmp jQuery '#categoryImageFileInput_' id .clone var clone tmp 0 Works as expected in FireFox but again not in IE. I'm stuck... I've since tried using jQuery's clone method as follows var tmp jQuery '#categoryImageFileInput_' id .clone var clone tmp 0 Works as expected in FireFox but again not in IE. I'm stuck. Anyone have some suggestions javascript jquery internet..
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists this event _swapMenu function var input this.element data input.data combobox tmp data.menuAll data.menuAll data.menu.element.hide data.menu.element tmp build the source array from the options of the.. input this.element data input.data combobox tmp data.menuAll data.menuAll data.menu.element.hide data.menu.element tmp build the source array from the options of the select element _selectInit function var select this.element.hide selected..
What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737453/what-does-formatresult-and-formatitem-options-do-in-jquery-autocomplete format_item function item position length return item.title Handle data from ajax request prep_data function data tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i Other internal autocomplete operations expect the data to be.. return item.title Handle data from ajax request prep_data function data tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i Other internal autocomplete operations expect the data to be split into associative arrays of this sort.. Handle data from ajax request prep_data function data tmp .evalJSON data parsed_data for i 0 i tmp.length i obj tmp i Other internal autocomplete operations expect the data to be split into associative arrays of this sort parsed_data i..
Make a div scroll when i reach a certain point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7471382/make-a-div-scroll-when-i-reach-a-certain-point but I dont quite understand it.Please help me window .load function var nav get_nav if nav.is_msie nav.ver 6 var tmp1 '#tag_container' .css 'position' var cur_w_offset start_offset '#butoni' .offset .top var bp '#right_content' var pt '#butoni'.. 'auto' if window.content_center true window.c false window.buydeal_forpresent false window .scroll function var tmp '#tag_container' .css 'position' ur_w_offset window .scrollTop if cur_w_offset start_offset bp.addClass 'flyingbuy' '#tag_container'.. bialo_height '#tag_container_bialo' .height 20 var offset_top nvp_pricetag.offset .top nvp_panel.offset .top 16 if tmp 'fixed' '#gift' .css 'position' 'fixed' var left '#butoni' .offset .left 223 18 '#gift' .css 'top' 16 bialo_height 'px'..
Strip HTML from Text JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/822452/strip-html-from-text-javascript
Where are scripts loaded after an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8234215/where-are-scripts-loaded-after-an-ajax-call is thus not available in the 'script' array so I'm still SOL. I've put all the code for review here http www.arix.com tmp loadWithJs javascript jquery jquery ajax jquery selectors share improve this question The jQuery code that adds HTML..