jquery Programming Glossary: timeoutid
window.onbeforeunload may fire multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126820/window-onbeforeunload-may-fire-multiple-times thinking var promptBeforeLeaving true alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 reset function alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 window.onbeforeunload.. false timeoutID 0 reset function alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 window.onbeforeunload function if promptBeforeLeaving alreadPrompted.. if promptBeforeLeaving alreadPrompted alreadPrompted true timeoutID setTimeout reset 100 return Changes have been made to this page...
jQuery check if image is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404335/jquery-check-if-image-is-loaded I need help with the following code which doesn't work var timeoutID 0 var currentImage 0 first image is position 0 in arrImages.. nextImage 0 '#myImg' .attr 'src' nextImage clearTimeout timeoutID Change image each second after previous image was loaded timeoutID.. Change image each second after previous image was loaded timeoutID setTimeout slideShow 1000 else '#myImg' .load slideShow Basically..
window.onbeforeunload may fire multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126820/window-onbeforeunload-may-fire-multiple-times you need. EDIT answer to comment Close. This is what i was thinking var promptBeforeLeaving true alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 reset function alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 window.onbeforeunload function if promptBeforeLeaving alreadPrompted alreadPrompted.. what i was thinking var promptBeforeLeaving true alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 reset function alreadPrompted false timeoutID 0 window.onbeforeunload function if promptBeforeLeaving alreadPrompted alreadPrompted true timeoutID setTimeout reset 100.. false timeoutID 0 window.onbeforeunload function if promptBeforeLeaving alreadPrompted alreadPrompted true timeoutID setTimeout reset 100 return Changes have been made to this page. window.onunload function clearTimeout timeoutID share..
jQuery check if image is loaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404335/jquery-check-if-image-is-loaded check if image is loaded I need help with the following code which doesn't work var timeoutID 0 var currentImage 0 first image is position 0 in arrImages array var arrImages bla bla bla array of image URLs function.. is the array of image URLs if nextImage arrImages.length nextImage 0 '#myImg' .attr 'src' nextImage clearTimeout timeoutID Change image each second after previous image was loaded timeoutID setTimeout slideShow 1000 else '#myImg' .load slideShow.. 0 '#myImg' .attr 'src' nextImage clearTimeout timeoutID Change image each second after previous image was loaded timeoutID setTimeout slideShow 1000 else '#myImg' .load slideShow Basically I want to change the src for #myImg each second provided..