jquery Programming Glossary: timeoutreference
What does this.optional(element) do when adding a jQuery validation method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13093971/what-does-this-optionalelement-do-when-adding-a-jquery-validation-method
How to trigger an event in input text after I stop typing/writting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14042193/how-to-trigger-an-event-in-input-text-after-i-stop-typing-writting timeout timeout timeout 1e3 1 second default timeout var timeoutReference doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference.. timeout var timeoutReference doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference null callback.call el return this.each.. doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference null callback.call el return this.each function i el var..
What does this.optional(element) do when adding a jQuery validation method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13093971/what-does-this-optionalelement-do-when-adding-a-jquery-validation-method
How to trigger an event in input text after I stop typing/writting? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14042193/how-to-trigger-an-event-in-input-text-after-i-stop-typing-writting Version function .fn.extend donetyping function callback timeout timeout timeout 1e3 1 second default timeout var timeoutReference doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference null callback.call el return this.each function.. callback timeout timeout timeout 1e3 1 second default timeout var timeoutReference doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference null callback.call el return this.each function i el var el el el.is ' input' el.keypress.. timeout timeout 1e3 1 second default timeout var timeoutReference doneTyping function el if timeoutReference return timeoutReference null callback.call el return this.each function i el var el el el.is ' input' el.keypress function if timeoutReference..