jquery Programming Glossary: timeformat
datetimepicker sets date to todays date on when clicking outside http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10827605/datetimepicker-sets-date-to-todays-date-on-when-clicking-outside This is my code 'input.datetime' .datetimepicker ampm true timeFormat 'hh mm tt' addSliderAccess true sliderAccessArgs touchonly false.. datetimepicker. 'input.datetime' .datetimepicker ampm true timeFormat 'hh mm tt' addSliderAccess true sliderAccessArgs touchonly false..
how to update time regularly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5091888/how-to-update-time-regularly f_date now.getDate strMonth now.getMonth now.getFullYear timeFormat now.getHours now.getMinutes return f_date span class foo script..
JQuery full calendar, how to change view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5637248/jquery-full-calendar-how-to-change-view basicDay' slotMinutes 30 firstHour 5 editable false timeFormat 'H mm' firstday 0 Sunday0 Monday1..etc allDayDefault true loading..
24 hour time format (so no AM to PM) for fullCalendar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9080944/24-hour-time-format-so-no-am-to-pm-for-fullcalendar these instructions http arshaw.com fullcalendar docs text timeFormat So I've added timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' to json.php.. arshaw.com fullcalendar docs text timeFormat So I've added timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' to json.php document .ready function.. displays calendar json events.php defaultView 'agendaDay' timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' eventDrop function event delta ..
datetimepicker sets date to todays date on when clicking outside http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10827605/datetimepicker-sets-date-to-todays-date-on-when-clicking-outside selecting a date. Anyone have an idea whats going on This is my code 'input.datetime' .datetimepicker ampm true timeFormat 'hh mm tt' addSliderAccess true sliderAccessArgs touchonly false Appreciate all the help I can get its causing some confusion.. replace your original date when you just want to close the datetimepicker. 'input.datetime' .datetimepicker ampm true timeFormat 'hh mm tt' addSliderAccess true sliderAccessArgs touchonly false onClose function value 'input.datetime' .val value ..
how to update time regularly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5091888/how-to-update-time-regularly timeClock setTimeout timeClock 1000 now new Date alert now f_date now.getDate strMonth now.getMonth now.getFullYear timeFormat now.getHours now.getMinutes return f_date span class foo script type text javascript document.write timeClock script span..
JQuery full calendar, how to change view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5637248/jquery-full-calendar-how-to-change-view header left 'today' center 'prev title next' right 'month basicDay' slotMinutes 30 firstHour 5 editable false timeFormat 'H mm' firstday 0 Sunday0 Monday1..etc allDayDefault true loading function bool if bool '#loadingImg' .show else '#loadingImg'..
24 hour time format (so no AM to PM) for fullCalendar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9080944/24-hour-time-format-so-no-am-to-pm-for-fullcalendar the 24 hour time format in fullCalendar I'm trying to use these instructions http arshaw.com fullcalendar docs text timeFormat So I've added timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' to json.php document .ready function '#calendar' .fullCalendar header.. in fullCalendar I'm trying to use these instructions http arshaw.com fullcalendar docs text timeFormat So I've added timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' to json.php document .ready function '#calendar' .fullCalendar header left 'prev next today'.. agendaDay' editable true allDayDefault false events core displays calendar json events.php defaultView 'agendaDay' timeFormat agenda 'H mm ' h mm h mm ' eventDrop function event delta alert event.title ' was moved ' delta ' days n' ' should probably..