jquery Programming Glossary: timestamps
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts The time series support in Flot is based on Javascript timestamps i.e. everywhere a time value is expected or handed over a Javascript.. 1 1970 00 00 00 UTC. This is almost the same as Unix timestamps except it's in milliseconds so remember to multiply by 1000..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event row is then re sent 3 separate times. Following are the timestamps from 4 rows that were written from 1 Re Send click yesterday...
jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2564317/jquery-ui-themeroller-installing-themes downloaded the same theme twice but they have different timestamps and different file sizes... I'm puzzled. Perhaps the jQuery..
jqgrid not updating data on reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2826478/jqgrid-not-updating-data-on-reload the xml is tested to return different data for different timestamps. I have checked using alert document.getElementById 'datepicker_start'..
jQuery sorting of div elements based on count, and date/time (timestamp) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3116172/jquery-sorting-of-div-elements-based-on-count-and-date-time-timestamp First by count If count is equal then by timestamp If timestamps are equal then return 0 Here's the ugly straightforward non..
Human-readable, current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259261/human-readable-current-time-sensitive-date-and-time-formatting-in-php formatting in PHP Is there a painless way to convert unix timestamps MySQL timestamps MySQL datetimes or any other standard date.. Is there a painless way to convert unix timestamps MySQL timestamps MySQL datetimes or any other standard date and time format into..
jQuery Sortable - Select and Drag Multiple List Items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3774755/jquery-sortable-select-and-drag-multiple-list-items clickDelay 600 click time milliseconds lastClick diffClick timestamps #draggable li Script to deferentiate a click from a mousedown..
timed auto logout and browser close http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6312478/timed-auto-logout-and-browser-close Then have another script look up all those users whose timestamps are older than a specified period whatever you like eg 10 seconds..
add custom params to fullcalendar request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779643/add-custom-params-to-fullcalendar-request dataType 'xml' data our hypothetical feed requires UNIX timestamps start Math.round start.getTime 1000 end Math.round end.getTime..
jqPlot DateAxis tickInterval not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8467233/jqplot-dateaxis-tickinterval-not-working want 1 hour. That would be 1000 60 60 3600000 javascript timestamps are in milliseconds . So you would write tickInterval '3600000'..
ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + IIS6: Multiple Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860478/asp-net-mvc-jquery-iis6-multiple-ajax-requests mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps overlap. So the controller is processing the requests one at..
How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15199814/how-to-plot-a-date-range-on-x-axis-in-flot-charts by 1000. This is from the API if you search Time Series Data The time series support in Flot is based on Javascript timestamps i.e. everywhere a time value is expected or handed over a Javascript timestamp number is used. This is a number not a Date.. Javascript timestamp is the number of milliseconds since January 1 1970 00 00 00 UTC. This is almost the same as Unix timestamps except it's in milliseconds so remember to multiply by 1000 There is a .Net example in the API public static int GetJavascriptTimestamp..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event the Re Send submit button what happens is that the selected row is then re sent 3 separate times. Following are the timestamps from 4 rows that were written from 1 Re Send click yesterday. 2013 05 28 16 49 04.817 2013 05 28 16 49 04.653 2013 05 28..
jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2564317/jquery-ui-themeroller-installing-themes it also now has a CSS folder... I wondered if I might have downloaded the same theme twice but they have different timestamps and different file sizes... I'm puzzled. Perhaps the jQuery server was just having a brain fart Todays gold star goes to..
jqgrid not updating data on reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2826478/jqgrid-not-updating-data-on-reload done so it shows exactly the same data as before even though the xml is tested to return different data for different timestamps. I have checked using alert document.getElementById 'datepicker_start' .value that the values in the date inputs are passed..
jQuery sorting of div elements based on count, and date/time (timestamp) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3116172/jquery-sorting-of-div-elements-based-on-count-and-date-time-timestamp time and comparison must follow the criteria you've specified First by count If count is equal then by timestamp If timestamps are equal then return 0 Here's the ugly straightforward non optimized version function sortDescending a b if getCount a..
Human-readable, current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259261/human-readable-current-time-sensitive-date-and-time-formatting-in-php readable current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP Is there a painless way to convert unix timestamps MySQL timestamps MySQL datetimes or any other standard date and time format into strings in the following form Today 6 00pm.. current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP Is there a painless way to convert unix timestamps MySQL timestamps MySQL datetimes or any other standard date and time format into strings in the following form Today 6 00pm Tomorrow 12 30pm..
jQuery Sortable - Select and Drag Multiple List Items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3774755/jquery-sortable-select-and-drag-multiple-list-items .ready function var selectedClass 'ui state highlight' clickDelay 600 click time milliseconds lastClick diffClick timestamps #draggable li Script to deferentiate a click from a mousedown for drag event .bind 'mousedown mouseup' function e if e.type..
timed auto logout and browser close http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6312478/timed-auto-logout-and-browser-close is periodically logged in your SQL database with a timestamp. Then have another script look up all those users whose timestamps are older than a specified period whatever you like eg 10 seconds and have them set to '0'. I could suggest some code but..
add custom params to fullcalendar request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779643/add-custom-params-to-fullcalendar-request start end callback var myFoo getFoo .ajax url 'myxmlfeed.php' dataType 'xml' data our hypothetical feed requires UNIX timestamps start Math.round start.getTime 1000 end Math.round end.getTime 1000 foo myFoo success function doc var events doc..
jqPlot DateAxis tickInterval not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8467233/jqplot-dateaxis-tickinterval-not-working
ASP.NET MVC + jQuery + IIS6: Multiple Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860478/asp-net-mvc-jquery-iis6-multiple-ajax-requests return Content status requestStart.ToString hh mm ss.FFF DateTime.Now.ToString hh mm ss.FFF None of the timestamps overlap. So the controller is processing the requests one at a time. This seems crappy. Now the ajax request 'should' be..