jquery Programming Glossary: tnt
Is there anyway to include a MultiSelect Combobox in a jqGrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10847644/is-there-anyway-to-include-a-multiselect-combobox-in-a-jqgrid plugin using different options. In the demo I used the following code edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' dataInit function elem setTimeout function elem .multiselect minWidth 100 'auto' height auto selectedList..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 'ship_via' width 100 align 'center' editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue 'Intime' stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' name 'note' index 'note'.. value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue 'Intime' stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' name 'note' index 'note' width 60 sortable false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager..
reloading dataurl elements in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13692177/reloading-dataurl-elements-in-jqgrid value Any true Yes false No grid.jqGrid setColProp ship_via language de searchoptions value Beliebig FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim searchoptions value Any FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim create new searching toolbar with nes options grid.jqGrid filterToolbar.. ship_via language de searchoptions value Beliebig FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim searchoptions value Any FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim create new searching toolbar with nes options grid.jqGrid filterToolbar stringResult true defaultSearch cn share..
Jgrid Problem Generating XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3725898/jgrid-problem-generating-xml colModel name 'id' index 'id' width 90 editable true edittype select editoptions value FE FedEx IN InTime TN TNT AR ARAMEX name 'tax' index 'tax' width 80 align right editable true name 'tax' index 'tax' width 80 align right editable..