jquery Programming Glossary: this.x
jQuery background position doesn't work in FireFox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12160846/jquery-background-position-doesnt-work-in-firefox y speed var pos this.css 'background position' .split ' ' this.x parseInt pos 0 0 this.y parseInt pos 1 0 .Animation this x x..
JQuery Animate Background Image on Y-axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12340130/jquery-animate-background-image-on-y-axis y speed var pos this.css 'background position' .split ' ' this.x pos 0 0 this.y pos 1 0 .Animation this x x y y duration speed..
Keeps saying result property is not defined. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13285770/keeps-saying-result-property-is-not-defined-why Try this code var x 1 var p x 2 f function alert x alert this.x p.f Here you will see 1 alerted and then 2. Answer to updated..
How to create a historgram from json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16693793/how-to-create-a-historgram-from-json borderWidth 1 formatter function return ' b Range b br ' this.x ' br ' ' b Count b ' this.y plotOptions column shadow false..
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas src x y var that this var startX 0 startY 0 var drag false this.x x this.y y var img new Image img.src src this.update function..
Accessing class member variables inside an event handler in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3076010/accessing-class-member-variables-inside-an-event-handler-in-javascript an event handler that class uses. For example function Map this.x 0 this.y 0 body .mousemove function event this.x event.pageX.. Map this.x 0 this.y 0 body .mousemove function event this.x event.pageX Is not able to access Map's member variable x this.y.. than changing the member variable of the Map class the this.x in the event handler tries to affect the x member variable of..
HTML canvas double buffering frame-rate issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4539535/html-canvas-double-buffering-frame-rate-issues clouds i .offset drawimage context clouds i function Cloud this.x 0 this.y 0 function addCloud path x y ratio offset var c new..
Why doesn't jQuery getJSON function execute when a page is redirected instead of called directly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5936700/why-doesnt-jquery-getjson-function-execute-when-a-page-is-redirected-instead-of Risks by Project' tooltip formatter function return '' this.x ' ' this.y ' logins' xAxis categories arr.name labels rotation..
Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361631/create-six-chart-with-the-same-rendering-different-data-highchart enabled false tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.x ' b br ' 'Population in 2008 ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y.. config.tooltip tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.x ' b br ' 'Population in 2008 ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' Y m d H M S' this.x ' br ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y 2 legend enabled false..
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y series .get 'Page2.php domID ' domID function data..
Set Additional Data to highcharts series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8514457/set-additional-data-to-highcharts-series b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y here we can only use series.name this.x this.y to.. ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y here we can only use series.name this.x this.y to the series. lets say i need to pass another dynamic..
jQuery background position doesn't work in FireFox? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12160846/jquery-background-position-doesnt-work-in-firefox work so we can do something like .fn.animateBG function x y speed var pos this.css 'background position' .split ' ' this.x parseInt pos 0 0 this.y parseInt pos 1 0 .Animation this x x y y duration speed .progress function e this.css 'background..
JQuery Animate Background Image on Y-axis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12340130/jquery-animate-background-image-on-y-axis work so we can do something like .fn.animateBG function x y speed var pos this.css 'background position' .split ' ' this.x pos 0 0 this.y pos 1 0 .Animation this x x y y duration speed .progress function e this.css 'background position' e.tweens..
Keeps saying result property is not defined. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13285770/keeps-saying-result-property-is-not-defined-why the question. Using this. as a prefix works in these cases. Try this code var x 1 var p x 2 f function alert x alert this.x p.f Here you will see 1 alerted and then 2. Answer to updated question What you have here is a classic problem. You write..
How to create a historgram from json http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16693793/how-to-create-a-historgram-from-json title text 'Histogram Test' legend enabled false tooltip borderWidth 1 formatter function return ' b Range b br ' this.x ' br ' ' b Count b ' this.y plotOptions column shadow false borderWidth .5 borderColor '#666' pointPadding 0 groupPadding..
How to drag images / objects within Canvas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18333936/how-to-drag-images-objects-within-canvas mousePressed false dragging false function DragImage src x y var that this var startX 0 startY 0 var drag false this.x x this.y y var img new Image img.src src this.update function if mousePressed var left that.x var right that.x img.width..
Accessing class member variables inside an event handler in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3076010/accessing-class-member-variables-inside-an-event-handler-in-javascript to access Javascript class member variables from inside of an event handler that class uses. For example function Map this.x 0 this.y 0 body .mousemove function event this.x event.pageX Is not able to access Map's member variable x this.y event.pageY.. inside of an event handler that class uses. For example function Map this.x 0 this.y 0 body .mousemove function event this.x event.pageX Is not able to access Map's member variable x this.y event.pageY Is not able to access Map's member variable.. Is not able to access Map's member variable y Rather than changing the member variable of the Map class the this.x in the event handler tries to affect the x member variable of the element that triggered the event. What is the proper way..
HTML canvas double buffering frame-rate issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4539535/html-canvas-double-buffering-frame-rate-issues for var i 0 i l i clouds i .x window.width clouds i .ratio clouds i .offset drawimage context clouds i function Cloud this.x 0 this.y 0 function addCloud path x y ratio offset var c new Cloud c.x x c.y y c.path path c.ratio ratio 0 c.offset offset..
Why doesn't jQuery getJSON function execute when a page is redirected instead of called directly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5936700/why-doesnt-jquery-getjson-function-execute-when-a-page-is-redirected-instead-of 2 title text 'Project Risk Profile' subtitle text 'All Open Risks by Project' tooltip formatter function return '' this.x ' ' this.y ' logins' xAxis categories arr.name labels rotation 45 align 'right' style font 'normal 8px Verdana sans..
Create six chart with the same rendering,different data (highchart ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6361631/create-six-chart-with-the-same-rendering-different-data-highchart yAxis min 0 title text 'Population millions ' legend enabled false tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.x ' b br ' 'Population in 2008 ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y 1 ' millions' series name 'Population' data 34.4 21.8.. text 'Population millions ' config.legend enabled false config.tooltip tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.x ' b br ' 'Population in 2008 ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y 1 ' millions' config.series data return config now creating..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components '#808080' tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' Y m d H M S' this.x ' br ' Highcharts.numberFormat this.y 2 legend enabled false exporting enabled false plotOptions area fillColor..
Highcharts data series issue with ajax/json and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8058136/highcharts-data-series-issue-with-ajax-json-and-php true min 0 max 100 tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y series .get 'Page2.php domID ' domID function data .each data function key value var series series.name.push..
Set Additional Data to highcharts series http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8514457/set-additional-data-to-highcharts-series 'tooltip' for example tooltip formatter function return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y here we can only use series.name this.x this.y to the series. lets say i need to pass another dynamic value alone.. return ' b ' this.series.name ' b br ' Highcharts.dateFormat ' b e' this.x ' ' this.y here we can only use series.name this.x this.y to the series. lets say i need to pass another dynamic value alone with the data set and can access via series object...