jquery Programming Glossary: this.status
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit return status public void setStatus String status this.status status public String getTitle return title public void setTitle.. return false final CommonBean01 other CommonBean01 obj if this.status null other.status null this.status.equals other.status return.. CommonBean01 obj if this.status null other.status null this.status.equals other.status return false return true @Override public..
AngularJS call method in directive controller from other controller http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14883476/angularjs-call-method-in-directive-controller-from-other-controller return status null message null success function msg this.status 'success' this.message msg error function msg this.status.. 'success' this.message msg error function msg this.status 'error' this.message msg clear function this.status null this.message.. msg this.status 'error' this.message msg clear function this.status null this.message null The directive gets the API injected..
Integrating JSON feed with Backbone JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629972/integrating-json-feed-with-backbone-js AppView Backbone.View.extend el body initialize function this.status new StatusList null view this events click #updateStatus getStatus.. i post statusModel new Status status post.status this.status.add statusModel addStatusList function model #status .prepend.. Backbone.View.extend el body initialize function this.status new StatusList null view this events click #updateStatus..
Getting requests from a website and retrieving the response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6701476/getting-requests-from-a-website-and-retrieving-the-response readystatechange function evt if this.readyState 4 this.status 200 Done status OK . var jsonObj null try jsonObj JSON.parse.. console.log err if DEBUG console.log this.readyState this.status this.responseText PHASE 2 Filter as much as possible..
How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12874394/how-to-create-a-picklist-in-jsf-tried-moving-items-using-js-jquery-but-submit private String title private String status public String getStatus return status public void setStatus String status this.status status public String getTitle return title public void setTitle String title this.title title @Override public boolean equals.. obj if obj null return false if getClass obj.getClass return false final CommonBean01 other CommonBean01 obj if this.status null other.status null this.status.equals other.status return false return true @Override public int hashCode int hash.. getClass obj.getClass return false final CommonBean01 other CommonBean01 obj if this.status null other.status null this.status.equals other.status return false return true @Override public int hashCode int hash 5 hash 89 hash this.status null this.status.hashCode..
AngularJS call method in directive controller from other controller http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14883476/angularjs-call-method-in-directive-controller-from-other-controller couple of variables PopdownModule.factory 'PopdownAPI' function return status null message null success function msg this.status 'success' this.message msg error function msg this.status 'error' this.message msg clear function this.status null this.message.. return status null message null success function msg this.status 'success' this.message msg error function msg this.status 'error' this.message msg clear function this.status null this.message null The directive gets the API injected into its.. msg this.status 'success' this.message msg error function msg this.status 'error' this.message msg clear function this.status null this.message null The directive gets the API injected into its controller and watches the api for changes I'm using..
Integrating JSON feed with Backbone JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5629972/integrating-json-feed-with-backbone-js models options this.bind add options.view.addStatusList AppView Backbone.View.extend el body initialize function this.status new StatusList null view this events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function var url json status.php query #statusBar.. statusModel .getJSON url function json .each json.posts function i post statusModel new Status status post.status this.status.add statusModel addStatusList function model #status .prepend div model.get 'status' div var appview new AppView jQuery.. options this.bind add options.view.addStatusList AppView Backbone.View.extend el body initialize function this.status new StatusList null view this events click #updateStatus getStatus getStatus function var url json status.php query..
Getting requests from a website and retrieving the response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6701476/getting-requests-from-a-website-and-retrieving-the-response function method url async user pass this.addEventListener readystatechange function evt if this.readyState 4 this.status 200 Done status OK . var jsonObj null try jsonObj JSON.parse this.responseText FF code. Chrome catch err if DEBUG.. this.responseText FF code. Chrome catch err if DEBUG console.log err if DEBUG console.log this.readyState this.status this.responseText PHASE 2 Filter as much as possible at this stage. For this site jsonObj should be an object..