jquery Programming Glossary: this.width
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function function added 50px to avoid scrollbars inside fancybox this.width '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .width 50 this.height..
Auto height resizing in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10996212/auto-height-resizing-in-fancybox get the dimension from the iframe like beforeShow function this.width '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .width this.height..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload url.createObjectURL file image.onload function var w this.width h this.height t file.type ext only file.type.split ' ' 1..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid newWidth index grid.dragEnd var widthChange this.newWidth this.width theGrid this.bDiv .find div .ui jqgrid btable subgrids theGrid.find..
jquery get image size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038075/jquery-get-image-size container div. I then tried to do this .width didnt work this.width didnt work any ideas jquery image size share improve this..
Use jQuery to Detect Container Overflow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112106/use-jquery-to-detect-container-overflow Math.max maxHeight this .outerHeight true return maxWidth this.width maxHeight this.height return false Example var content '#content'..
How do I get actual image width and height using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2395931/how-do-i-get-actual-image-width-and-height-using-jquery 140 JavaScript var img new Image img.onload function alert this.width 'x' this.height img.src #myimg .attr 'src' Or just check it..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript here how to use it image 'imgId' success function alert this.width failure function alert 'Damn your eyes ' image 'http somedomain.com..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome .attr src img .attr src .load function pic_real_width this.width Note this .width will not pic_real_height this.height work for..
CSS to align label and input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641346/css-to-align-label-and-input maxWidth settings.limitWidth else maxWidth this .width this.width maxWidth from this page in a comment and you use it this way..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay of the overlay. function Overlay width height left top this.width this.height this.left this.top 0 outer parent var outer div.. function resize width height left top if width null this.width width if height null this.height height if left null this.left.. left top topbox.css top this.top left this.left width this.width bottombox.css top this.top this.height 1 left this.left width..
find elements that are stacked under (visually) an element in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5598953/find-elements-that-are-stacked-under-visually-an-element-in-jquery var l offset.left var t offset.top var h this.height var w this.width var maxx l w var maxy t h return y maxy y t x maxx x l this..
Smooth scroller based on mouse position (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6136847/smooth-scroller-based-on-mouse-position-jquery e var this this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width.. rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function..
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery this.each function var this this if type type 'width' this.width this.width if type type 'height' this.height this.height.. function var this this if type type 'width' this.width this.width if type type 'height' this.height this.height jQuery What..
fancy box work with iframes in beforeShow function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10769151/fancy-box-work-with-iframes-in-beforeshow-function false nextSpeed 0 important prevSpeed 0 important beforeShow function added 50px to avoid scrollbars inside fancybox this.width '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .width 50 this.height '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .height 50 fancybox..
Auto height resizing in Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10996212/auto-height-resizing-in-fancybox only though Then use the callback option beforeShow to get the dimension from the iframe like beforeShow function this.width '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .width this.height '.fancybox iframe' .contents .find 'html' .height also fitToView..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload file reader.onload function _file image.src _file.target.result url.createObjectURL file image.onload function var w this.width h this.height t file.type ext only file.type.split ' ' 1 n file.name s ~~ file.size 1024 'KB' '#uploadPreview' .append..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide resizeStop function newWidth index grid.dragEnd var widthChange this.newWidth this.width theGrid this.bDiv .find div .ui jqgrid btable subgrids theGrid.find tbody .ui subgrid .subgrid data .tablediv .ui jqgrid..
jquery get image size http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2038075/jquery-get-image-size .each function This loops through all the images within the container div. I then tried to do this .width didnt work this.width didnt work any ideas jquery image size share improve this question I asked the same question recently and got a good..
Use jQuery to Detect Container Overflow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112106/use-jquery-to-detect-container-overflow maxWidth Math.max maxWidth this .outerWidth true maxHeight Math.max maxHeight this .outerHeight true return maxWidth this.width maxHeight this.height return false Example var content '#content' .children .wrapAll ' div ' while content.hasOverflow var..
How do I get actual image width and height using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2395931/how-do-i-get-actual-image-width-and-height-using-jquery cash.ru big_pics kazino_AzartPlay.png width 120 height 140 JavaScript var img new Image img.onload function alert this.width 'x' this.height img.src #myimg .attr 'src' Or just check it out here http jsfiddle.net Increazon A5QJM 1 share improve..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript cfg.failure 'f' img.onerror cfg.failure return img And here how to use it image 'imgId' success function alert this.width failure function alert 'Damn your eyes ' image 'http somedomain.com image typooed_url.jpg' success function ... failure..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318630/get-real-image-width-and-height-with-javascript-in-safari-chrome img Make in memory copy of image to avoid css issues .attr src img .attr src .load function pic_real_width this.width Note this .width will not pic_real_height this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on..
CSS to align label and input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4641346/css-to-align-label-and-input if settings.limitWidth maxWidth settings.limitWidth maxWidth settings.limitWidth else maxWidth this .width this.width maxWidth from this page in a comment and you use it this way div.myfields div label .autoWidth and thats all... all your..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay offset.top This object encapsulates the elements and actions of the overlay. function Overlay width height left top this.width this.height this.left this.top 0 outer parent var outer div class 'outer' .appendTo body red lines boxes var topbox div.. outer.mouseover function outer.hide Public interface this.resize function resize width height left top if width null this.width width if height null this.height height if left null this.left left if top null this.top top this.show function show outer.show.. function render width height left top this.resize width height left top topbox.css top this.top left this.left width this.width bottombox.css top this.top this.height 1 left this.left width this.width leftbox.css top this.top left this.left height..
find elements that are stacked under (visually) an element in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5598953/find-elements-that-are-stacked-under-visually-an-element-in-jquery
Smooth scroller based on mouse position (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6136847/smooth-scroller-based-on-mouse-position-jquery backdrop '.backdrop' '.direction' backdrop .mousemove function e var this this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function.. e var this this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function var scroller setInterval moveBackdrop 10 this .data 'scroller'..
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery works function .fn.lockDimensions function type return this.each function var this this if type type 'width' this.width this.width if type type 'height' this.height this.height jQuery What does this represent above Just when I think I.. function .fn.lockDimensions function type return this.each function var this this if type type 'width' this.width this.width if type type 'height' this.height this.height jQuery What does this represent above Just when I think I have it figured..