jquery Programming Glossary: this.val
jQuery Change event on an <input> element - any way to retain previous value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159046/jquery-change-event-on-an-input-element-any-way-to-retain-previous-value new value var this this var newValue this.data 'newVal' this.val .focus function Get the value when input gains focus var oldValue..
Setting the focus to the next input in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232379/setting-the-focus-to-the-next-input-in-jquery filter. #assessed select .change function var this this if this.val 'null' this.next .attr disabled true else this.next .removeAttr..
Limit length of textarea in Words using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12676453/limit-length-of-textarea-in-words-using-javascript .keyup function var this wordcount this this wordcount this.val .split b s . .length if wordcount 150 jQuery .word_count span.. .keypress function var this wordcount this this wordcount this.val .split b s . .length if wordcount maxWords jQuery .word_count..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content btn text' this .text newText return if this.is 'input' this.val newText go up the tree var ctx this.closest '.ui btn' 'span.ui..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database .attr 'name' this.attr 'name' .attr 'value' this.val qid.append questionNumber qnum .questionNum .text qnum .num_questions..
How to style “input file” with CSS3 / Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3226167/how-to-style-input-file-with-css3-javascript wrapper fileInput.change function this this '#file' .text this.val '#file' .click function fileInput.click .show demo ‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€..
How to convert this observe_field to jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5447722/how-to-convert-this-observe-field-to-jquery function #section .bind keyup function data this.name this.val the value of input that need to send to server .get url data..
Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5477394/getting-initial-selector-inside-jquery-plugin inside a plugin ..... this.each function var this this this.val x the last code doesn't really do anything. I notice I'm having.. this .text this .closest 'ul' .prev .html selectedText this.val selection This is what i can't get to work this .closest 'ul'..
How to handle <tab> in textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140632/how-to-handle-tab-in-textarea var end this.selectionEnd var this this var value this.val set textarea value to text before caret tab text after caret.. textarea value to text before caret tab text after caret this.val value.substring 0 start t value.substring end put caret at..
Add commas for a number in input field while typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9156390/add-commas-for-a-number-in-input-field-while-typing event.which 40 event.preventDefault var this this var num this.val .replace g '' this.val num.replace d d 3 d g 1 I need 1000000.. var this this var num this.val .replace g '' this.val num.replace d d 3 d g 1 I need 1000000 to be 1 000 000 or better.. you can change the code to something like this. var num this.val .replace s g '' this.val num.replace d d 3 d g 1 Hope this helps..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box ui input .val ui.value input .change function var value this.value.substring 1 console.log value #slider .slider value parseInt.. var this this #slider .slider values this.data index this.val You can see the results in this fiddle . share improve this..
Jquery: ajax post and encoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965150/jquery-ajax-post-and-encoding before. function .fn.escape function return escape this.val jQuery Now when sending the ajax request I set the contentType..
How to lock the first word of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704795/how-to-lock-the-first-word-of-a-textarea var header Header var this this this.data 'newVal' this.val var newValue this.data newVal var oldValue this.data oldVal..
jQuery Change event on an <input> element - any way to retain previous value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159046/jquery-change-event-on-an-input-element-any-way-to-retain-previous-value el.data 'oldVal' el.val el.change function store new value var this this var newValue this.data 'newVal' this.val .focus function Get the value when input gains focus var oldValue this .data 'oldVal' script input id myInputElement..
Setting the focus to the next input in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232379/setting-the-focus-to-the-next-input-in-jquery
Limit length of textarea in Words using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12676453/limit-length-of-textarea-in-words-using-javascript I can figure out characters. But not words. jQuery 'textarea' .keyup function var this wordcount this this wordcount this.val .split b s . .length if wordcount 150 jQuery .word_count span .text 150 return alert You've reached the maximum allowed.. to handle text pasting. var maxWords 150 jQuery 'textarea' .keypress function var this wordcount this this wordcount this.val .split b s . .length if wordcount maxWords jQuery .word_count span .text maxWords alert You've reached the maximum allowed..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content this.each function this this if this.is 'a' 'span.ui btn text' this .text newText return if this.is 'input' this.val newText go up the tree var ctx this.closest '.ui btn' 'span.ui btn text' ctx .text newText return jQuery Working example..
It is not inserting data into database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554847/it-is-not-inserting-data-into-database this this var questionNumber input type 'hidden' class 'num_questionsRow' .attr 'name' this.attr 'name' .attr 'value' this.val qid.append questionNumber qnum .questionNum .text qnum .num_questions .val qnum qremain .questionRemain .text qremain..
How to style “input file” with CSS3 / Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3226167/how-to-style-input-file-with-css3-javascript
How to convert this observe_field to jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5447722/how-to-convert-this-observe-field-to-jquery you need to make an ajax request to server. document .ready function #section .bind keyup function data this.name this.val the value of input that need to send to server .get url data make ajax request function html function to handle the response..
Getting initial selector inside jquery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5477394/getting-initial-selector-inside-jquery-plugin x The correct option value gets selected but if i try the same inside a plugin ..... this.each function var this this this.val x the last code doesn't really do anything. I notice I'm having trouble targeting #box inside the plugin because it's a.. selected selection this .parent .attr 'rel' selectedText this .text this .closest 'ul' .prev .html selectedText this.val selection This is what i can't get to work this .closest 'ul' .hide returns the jQuery object to allow for chainability...
How to handle <tab> in textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140632/how-to-handle-tab-in-textarea pressed get caret position selection var start this.selectionStart var end this.selectionEnd var this this var value this.val set textarea value to text before caret tab text after caret this.val value.substring 0 start t value.substring end put.. end this.selectionEnd var this this var value this.val set textarea value to text before caret tab text after caret this.val value.substring 0 start t value.substring end put caret at right position again add one for the tab this.selectionStart..
Add commas for a number in input field while typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9156390/add-commas-for-a-number-in-input-field-while-typing 'input.number' .keypress function event if event.which 37 event.which 40 event.preventDefault var this this var num this.val .replace g '' this.val num.replace d d 3 d g 1 I need 1000000 to be 1 000 000 or better with spaces 1 000 000 . Please.. function event if event.which 37 event.which 40 event.preventDefault var this this var num this.val .replace g '' this.val num.replace d d 3 d g 1 I need 1000000 to be 1 000 000 or better with spaces 1 000 000 . Please help. Thanks. jquery ..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box value 1 step 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value input .change function var value this.value.substring 1 console.log value #slider .slider value parseInt value Any suggestion EDIT div class demo input type text..
Jquery: ajax post and encoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/965150/jquery-ajax-post-and-encoding are escaped with escape function I provided this solution before. function .fn.escape function return escape this.val jQuery Now when sending the ajax request I set the contentType to this contentType application x www form urlencoded charset..
How to lock the first word of a textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9704795/how-to-lock-the-first-word-of-a-textarea el.data 'oldVal' el.val el.bind 'keydown keyup keypress' function var header Header var this this this.data 'newVal' this.val var newValue this.data newVal var oldValue this.data oldVal Check to make sure header not removed if newValue.substr 0 header.length..