

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:46

jquery Programming Glossary: sortdirection

jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service


_search _search page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper.. jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string searchField string searchString string..

jqGrid does not populate with data


GetWeatherData page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection WeatherDataForJqGrid GetDataForjqGrid int page int rows string.. int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection DataContract public enum SortDirection EnumMember Value asc.. int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection int totalRecords _repository.Count sorting of data IQueryable..

How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend?


GetJQGrid int page int pageSize string sortIndex string sortDirection DataSet ds SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset SqlHelper.CONN_STRING udsp_GetMyData.. pdata.rows params.sortIndex pdata.sidx params.sortDirection pdata.sord .ajax type POST contentType application json charset..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


height auto sortname sortCol viewrecords true sortorder sortDirection beforeRequest function var grid jQuery gridSelector if gridprefs..

jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service


WebMessageFormat.Json UriTemplate jqGridGetTestbereiche _search _search page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies.. searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string searchField string searchString string searchOper string filters where jqGridTable public class jqGridTable..

jqGrid does not populate with data


ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json UriTemplate GetWeatherData page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection WeatherDataForJqGrid GetDataForjqGrid int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection DataContract.. sord sortDirection WeatherDataForJqGrid GetDataForjqGrid int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection DataContract public enum SortDirection EnumMember Value asc Asc EnumMember Value desc Desc jsonReader repeatitems false.. 8 0 0 .AsQueryable public WeatherDataForJqGrid GetDataForjqGrid int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection int totalRecords _repository.Count sorting of data IQueryable WeatherData orderdData _repository System.Reflection.PropertyInfo..

How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend?


ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public JQGrid GetJQGrid int page int pageSize string sortIndex string sortDirection DataSet ds SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset SqlHelper.CONN_STRING udsp_GetMyData pageIndex pageSize if ds null ds.Tables.Count.. pdata var params new Object params.page pdata.page params.pageSize pdata.rows params.sortIndex pdata.sidx params.sortDirection pdata.sord .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 url CLM CLM.asmx GetProjectGrid2 data JSON.stringify..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter pager pagerSelector height auto sortname sortCol viewrecords true sortorder sortDirection beforeRequest function var grid jQuery gridSelector if gridprefs gridprefs.filter grid.setPostDataItem '_search' true for..