

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:47

jquery Programming Glossary: source

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


Library From http upshots.org p 112 Copyright Unknown see source link Plugin version by Dakota Schneider http hackthetruth.org..

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


understand the internal jQuery queue functions reading the source and looking at examples helps me out tremendously. One of the..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


are three of them and they are sorted from the less resource demanding to higher ones Enhance a single component widget Enhance.. cant found the developer of this plugin. Original SO source Change button text jquery mobile function Changes the displayed..

change type of input field with jQuery


pass.value 'Password' Edit 3 Straight from the jQuery source this seems to be related to IE and could either be a bug or..

How to change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery


selector though. For instance if you have a mix of link source hyperlink and link target a.k.a. anchor anchor tags a name MyLinks..

What is the difference between these jQuery ready functions?


it should be used to wrap other You can see this in the source code rootjQuery jQuery document ... else if jQuery.isFunction..

How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)?


you ever taken a look under the hood at the JQuery 1.4 source code and noticed how it's encapsulated in the following way..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


The answer on your question depend a little from the source where you receive the information about displayed under State..

Download a file by jQuery.Ajax


a demo of jQuery File Download in action . Here is the source Here is a simple use case demo using the plugin source with.. the source Here is a simple use case demo using the plugin source with promises. The demo page includes many other 'better UX'..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


searching and found a post by the developer of the open source version of this software who suggested using the following colModel..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


some onClick bindings. So you will not spend more resources if you just use existing in jqGrid event handler. Two event.. click event handler bound to the whole table see the source code and just say jqGrid which handle you want to use. I recommend..

Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN?


your site you might want to dynamically change the Google source to avoid the usual warning you see when loading insecure content.. Google and would prefer jQuery you could use the following source path keep in mind that jQuery doesn't support SSL connections..

Changing the image source using jQuery


the image source using jQuery My DOM looks like this div id d1 div class c1..

How to debug Javascript/jQuery event bindings with FireBug (or similar tool)


working. If I had a capability to edit the application source I would drill down and add a bunch of Firebug console.log statements..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


which wait the input in the JSON form Source some error source Message Description of the error and the error output will be..

Graph visualization code in JavaScript?


graph layout algorithm I found on the net everything open source MIT license . If you have any remarks or need a certain feature..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which..

First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown


populated here select select id sub select Processing PHP Source Code Finally the source code of process.php php mysql_connect..

event.preventDefault() vs. return false


return false does not stop the event from bubbling up . Source John Resig http www.mail archive.com jquery en@googlegroups.com..

Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ]


01 2013 10 03 28 AM Error TypeError b.browser is undefined Source File ...fancybox jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.pack.js Line 18 ... other.. 01 2013 10 09 58 AM Error TypeError .browser is undefined Source File h... fancybox2.1.3 jquery.fancybox.js Line 139 If you are..

How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+?


.toUpperCase 0 Here is the error Error q is not a function Source File js jquery 1.4.js ver 1.4 Line 81 Here's where I'm using..

iFrame src change event detection?


work in some very older browsers like IE5 and early Opera. Source If the iframe is showing a page within the same domain of the..

Validating url with jQuery without the validate-plugin?


url This handles unicode etc so it's a bit verbose. Source is the same as the validation plugin here http projects.scottsplayground.com..

How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?


project Select Properties JavaScript Include Path Select Source tab. It looks identical to Java Build Path Source tab Expand.. Select Source tab. It looks identical to Java Build Path Source tab Expand JavaScript source folder Highlight Excluded pattern..

Dynamically adding collapsible elements


adding collapsible elements Source http jquerymobile.com demos 1.0a2 #docs content content collapsible.html..

How does jQuery?™s .text() work, internally?


™t actually seem to define it completely. From the jQuery Source jQuery.fn.extend text function text if jQuery.isFunction text..

Looking for jQuery easing functions without using a plugin


Here's an online demo of all jQuery UI easing functions. Source functions from UI are posted below in correct answer by Jake...

How to draw a line between draggable and droppable?


img icons user 48x48.png this .droppable 'enable' EnableSource this I get to this what I really wanted was if possible create.. JsRender v.1pre35 optional used for HTML simplification Source Source code in Git Repository Demo Page demo at JSBIN Works.. v.1pre35 optional used for HTML simplification Source Source code in Git Repository Demo Page demo at JSBIN Works on FF IE..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


in FF4 Chrome and IE9 IE8 OP11 dies. known bug . Annotated Source Code The PlaceKitten example plugin Comparison I've refactored..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


implementation which wait the input in the JSON form Source some error source Message Description of the error and the error.. 0 errorText hr errorText errorInfo i .Source errorInfo i .Message catch e errorText errorIconSpan errorText..

How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery?


just open the page in webbrowser rightclick and do View Source . If you see an autogenerated ID like j_id123 in the client..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


open the page in webbrowser and rightclick and then View Source . You'll see that JSF prepends the ID of the generated HTML..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


It's much more complicated than just window.onload jQuery Source function bindReady if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla..

Using jQuery to control HTML5 <audio> volume


of the audio player.volume . Any help is much appreciated. Source javascript jquery user interface jquery ui slider share improve..

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed]


Example added by StackOverflow thread participant. Source https github.com josdejong jsoneditor http jsonmate.com http..

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


getStyleObject Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library From http upshots.org p 112 Copyright Unknown see source link Plugin version by Dakota Schneider http hackthetruth.org function .fn.getStyleObject function var dom this.get 0 var..

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


and you remove by calling the functions using .dequeue . To understand the internal jQuery queue functions reading the source and looking at examples helps me out tremendously. One of the best examples of a queue function I've seen is .delay .fn.delay..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


etc. . With this in mind lets discuss enhancement levels. There are three of them and they are sorted from the less resource demanding to higher ones Enhance a single component widget Enhance a page content Enhance a full page content header content.. fix broken jQM functionalities. Button text change Unfortunately cant found the developer of this plugin. Original SO source Change button text jquery mobile function Changes the displayed text for a jquery mobile button. Encapsulates the idiosyncracies..

change type of input field with jQuery


'password' document.body.appendChild pass pass.type 'text' pass.value 'Password' Edit 3 Straight from the jQuery source this seems to be related to IE and could either be a bug or part of their security model but jQuery isn't specific We can't..

How to change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery


to point to Google. You probably want a somewhat more refined selector though. For instance if you have a mix of link source hyperlink and link target a.k.a. anchor anchor tags a name MyLinks a a href http www.codeproject.com The CodeProject a ...Then..

What is the difference between these jQuery ready functions?


This function behaves just like document .ready in that it should be used to wrap other You can see this in the source code rootjQuery jQuery document ... else if jQuery.isFunction selector return rootjQuery.ready selector share improve..

How does this JavaScript/JQuery Syntax work: (function( window, undefined ) { })(window)?


JQuery Syntax work function window undefined window Have you ever taken a look under the hood at the JQuery 1.4 source code and noticed how it's encapsulated in the following way function window undefined All the JQuery code here ... window..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


javascript jquery jqgrid edit share improve this question The answer on your question depend a little from the source where you receive the information about displayed under State for US and State for UK . The are two possibilities supported..

Download a file by jQuery.Ajax


problem that the plugin solves and some ways to use it and also a demo of jQuery File Download in action . Here is the source Here is a simple use case demo using the plugin source with promises. The demo page includes many other 'better UX' examples.. and also a demo of jQuery File Download in action . Here is the source Here is a simple use case demo using the plugin source with promises. The demo page includes many other 'better UX' examples as well. .fileDownload 'some file.pdf' .done function..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


in is a redirection to job.php job_id row_id I did some searching and found a post by the developer of the open source version of this software who suggested using the following colModel and additional JS name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


suggest you one more way. The problem is that jqGrid make already some onClick bindings. So you will not spend more resources if you just use existing in jqGrid event handler. Two event handler can be useful for you onCellSelect and beforeSelectRow.. nButton name buttonNames iCol In the way you use one existing click event handler bound to the whole table see the source code and just say jqGrid which handle you want to use. I recommend you additionally always use gridview true which speed..

Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN?


out... If you have a mixture of secure and insecure pages on your site you might want to dynamically change the Google source to avoid the usual warning you see when loading insecure content in a secure page Here's what I came up with script type.. javascript' script script Finally if you don't want to use Google and would prefer jQuery you could use the following source path keep in mind that jQuery doesn't support SSL connections script type text javascript document.write script src 'http..

Changing the image source using jQuery


the image source using jQuery My DOM looks like this div id d1 div class c1 a href # img src img1_on.gif a a href # img src img2_on.gif..

How to debug Javascript/jQuery event bindings with FireBug (or similar tool)


were bound to particular elements are not fired and simply stop working. If I had a capability to edit the application source I would drill down and add a bunch of Firebug console.log statements and comment uncomment pieces of code to try to pinpoint..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


you can find another version of the loadError implementation which wait the input in the JSON form Source some error source Message Description of the error and the error output will be like here but the code can display additionally HTML response..

Graph visualization code in JavaScript?


library the graffle example plus some code for a force based graph layout algorithm I found on the net everything open source MIT license . If you have any remarks or need a certain feature I may implement it just ask Edit You may want to have a..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


with the HTML DOM tree in the client side. jQuery doesn't work directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which is generated by those JSF components. You need to open the page..

First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown


ajaxfunction this.value Options would have been initially populated here select select id sub select Processing PHP Source Code Finally the source code of process.php php mysql_connect mysql_select_db contents result mysql_query SELECT FROM `contents`..

event.preventDefault() vs. return false


Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ]


v2.1.3 and below. The errors shown are v1.3.4 Timestamp 15 01 2013 10 03 28 AM Error TypeError b.browser is undefined Source File ...fancybox jquery.fancybox 1.3.4.pack.js Line 18 ... other errors Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'msie' of.. Object has no method 'fancybox' In v2.1.3 Timestamp 15 01 2013 10 09 58 AM Error TypeError .browser is undefined Source File h... fancybox2.1.3 jquery.fancybox.js Line 139 If you are using this to call jQuery script src http code.jquery.com..

How do I make jQuery Contains case insensitive, including jQuery 1.8+?


' ' Contains jQuery a .text .toUpperCase .indexOf m 3 .toUpperCase 0 Here is the error Error q is not a function Source File js jquery 1.4.js ver 1.4 Line 81 Here's where I'm using it 'input.preset' .keyup function this .next .find li .removeClass..

iFrame src change event detection?


iframe changes. It works in all modern browsers but may not work in some very older browsers like IE5 and early Opera. Source If the iframe is showing a page within the same domain of the parent you would be able to access the location with contentWindow.location..

Validating url with jQuery without the validate-plugin?


How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?


some JavaScript sources from validation. Right click your project Select Properties JavaScript Include Path Select Source tab. It looks identical to Java Build Path Source tab Expand JavaScript source folder Highlight Excluded pattern Click Edit.. click your project Select Properties JavaScript Include Path Select Source tab. It looks identical to Java Build Path Source tab Expand JavaScript source folder Highlight Excluded pattern Click Edit button Click Add button next to Exclusion patterns..

Dynamically adding collapsible elements


adding collapsible elements Source http jquerymobile.com demos 1.0a2 #docs content content collapsible.html When I add an element like this manually to my..

How does jQuery?™s .text() work, internally?


in jQuery ™s source but only found this which doesn ™t actually seem to define it completely. From the jQuery Source jQuery.fn.extend text function text if jQuery.isFunction text return this.each function return jQuery this .text text.call..

Looking for jQuery easing functions without using a plugin


t s 1.525 1 t s b return c 2 t 2 t s 1.525 1 t s 2 b EDIT #1 Here's an online demo of all jQuery UI easing functions. Source functions from UI are posted below in correct answer by Jake. http api.jqueryui.com easings EDIT #2 It turns out that the..

How to draw a line between draggable and droppable?


state highlight' .find img .removeAttr src .attr src _assets img icons user 48x48.png this .droppable 'enable' EnableSource this I get to this what I really wanted was if possible create a line between Elsa and Kjell so it makes the connection.. 5 doctype jQuery v.1.10.2 jQuery UI v.1.10.3 Raphael v.2.0.1 JsRender v.1pre35 optional used for HTML simplification Source Source code in Git Repository Demo Page demo at JSBIN Works on FF IE Chrome Safari and Opera . tested on Firefox 6 and 7.. jQuery v.1.10.2 jQuery UI v.1.10.3 Raphael v.2.0.1 JsRender v.1pre35 optional used for HTML simplification Source Source code in Git Repository Demo Page demo at JSBIN Works on FF IE Chrome Safari and Opera . tested on Firefox 6 and 7 .. 22..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


Links Github Documentation Unit tests Confirmed to pass in FF4 Chrome and IE9 IE8 OP11 dies. known bug . Annotated Source Code The PlaceKitten example plugin Comparison I've refactored the template so that it's split into boilerplate 85 and scaffolding..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


ASP.NET MVC. Here you can find another version of the loadError implementation which wait the input in the JSON form Source some error source Message Description of the error and the error output will be like here but the code can display additionally.. errorText for i 0 i errorInfo.length i 1 if errorText.length 0 errorText hr errorText errorInfo i .Source errorInfo i .Message catch e errorText errorIconSpan errorText else htmlBody body. s S body i.exec jqXHR.responseText..

How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery?


generated client ID is safely predictable. If you're uncertain just open the page in webbrowser rightclick and do View Source . If you see an autogenerated ID like j_id123 in the client ID chain then you need to give exactly that component a fixed..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


tree which is generated by those JSF components. You need to open the page in webbrowser and rightclick and then View Source . You'll see that JSF prepends the ID of the generated HTML input elements with the IDs of all parent NamingContainer components..

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery


loaded. javascript jquery share improve this question It's much more complicated than just window.onload jQuery Source function bindReady if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event..

Using jQuery to control HTML5 <audio> volume


out how to make the value of the slider take the place of the audio player.volume . Any help is much appreciated. Source javascript jquery user interface jquery ui slider share improve this question The volume property is like opacity it..

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed]


and export back to prettified JSON. http jsoneditoronline.org Example added by StackOverflow thread participant. Source https github.com josdejong jsoneditor http jsonmate.com http jsonviewer.stack.hu http jsoneditor.appspot.com http jsoneditoronline.org..

How to get hex color value rather than RGB value?


index undefined when receiving $.post from jQuery? [closed]


I need to go take a break I am gonna lose it. FIREBUG In firebug I see I see POST projects.php POST PARAMETERS aid 6 SOURCE aid 0D 0A6 RESPONSE There is nothing in the response the brief time I posted a response here was because I left my 'require_once'.. I left my 'require_once' off and I had my code commented out. There is something odd in the source though. It says SOURCE aid 0D 0A6 instead of the normal SOURCE aid 6 2ND EDIT I had a large section of code commented out to simplify this example... my code commented out. There is something odd in the source though. It says SOURCE aid 0D 0A6 instead of the normal SOURCE aid 6 2ND EDIT I had a large section of code commented out to simplify this example. The code uses the variable and query's..

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are


javascript jquery html jquery ui jquery sortable share improve this question UPDATED 2012 FULL WORKING DEMO SOURCE http goo.gl vFEAB get the index position of the elements try to read this Getting the position of the element in a list..

jQuery selector not working on Windows Phone 7


out that if you hardcode the URL in XAML then you must ensure that in that XAML the IsScriptEnabled is set BEFORE the SOURCE property or else you will have lots of failures depedent on what doctype your pages have. the same applies to setting the..