

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:40

jquery Programming Glossary: someclass

Multiple Toggles Almost like Tabs JavaScript/ CSS


that you include the jquery library and include '.someclass' .hide as the first line in the toggleMeMirror function. Then.. that each of your looped content divs exist in the class someclass . like foreach this as that print div class 'someclass' that.. someclass . like foreach this as that print div class 'someclass' that div then function toggleMeMirror a hide all '.someclass'..

Remove multiple classes at once


I have the following html div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div.. div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div div class row div class.. someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div div class row div class one someclass div div class..

JQuery focus


you specify a tabindex property for them. i.e. div class someclass tabindex 100 Once the tabindex is specified you can either tab..

jQuery Plugin Authoring: Why do some do jQuery.pluginName and others jQuery.fn.pluginName?


'red' 'div.someClass' .makeRed makes all divs of class someclass have red text Extending the jQuery object itself is ussually.. 'div.someClass' .doStuff makes all divs of class someclass have red text and append a random number to them share improve..

In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute?


by some other attribute Basically is #someid or .someclass faster than someattr 'value' I would imagine that it is that.. specifying the optional context parameter. For example... .someclass #somecontainer Where somecontainer is something like a div surrounding.. is something like a div surrounding an element with class someclass . This can offer a huge performance benefit in the cases where..

call the same jQuery function in multiple buttons


'#button2' .click doClick Second solution Give a class someClass to all the involved buttons input type button class someClass.. to all the involved buttons input type button class someClass ... and do '.someClass' .click function e ... Third solution.. buttons input type button class someClass ... and do '.someClass' .click function e ... Third solution Use the comma to separate..

Override a:hover with jQuery?


easiest way I can think of is to change a hover ... into a.someClass hover ... And then add remove .someClass via jQuery's methods.. hover ... into a.someClass hover ... And then add remove .someClass via jQuery's methods this .addClass someClass activates css.. add remove .someClass via jQuery's methods this .addClass someClass activates css rules for hover this .removeClass someClass deactivates..

Escaping HTML strings with jQuery


can just set the element's text property before div class someClass text div var someHtmlString script alert 'hi ' script var escaped.. someHtmlString script alert 'hi ' script var escaped div.someClass .text someHtmlString .html after div class someClass lt script.. div.someClass .text someHtmlString .html after div class someClass lt script gt alert 'hi ' lt script gt div share improve this..

jQuery - How to get all styles/css (defined within internal/external document) with HTML of an element


this earlier If this is my HTML div id divId span class someClass Some innerText span div And styles are defined in separate style.. 2px dotted #CCC font size 107 line height 130 width 660px .someClass color blue Then when I try to get inner html of #divId .html.. 2px dotted #CCC font size 107 line height 130 width 660px .someClass color blue style div id divId span class someClass Some innerText..

jQuery Append String vs Object Containing String


css addClass div .append h1 h1 .html Header .addClass someClass .css color gree Or if you don't want to do further manipulation..

Multiple Toggles Almost like Tabs JavaScript/ CSS


this question This is also tagged jquery so I'll just recommend that you include the jquery library and include '.someclass' .hide as the first line in the toggleMeMirror function. Then make sure that each of your looped content divs exist in the.. the first line in the toggleMeMirror function. Then make sure that each of your looped content divs exist in the class someclass . like foreach this as that print div class 'someclass' that div then function toggleMeMirror a hide all '.someclass' .hide.. sure that each of your looped content divs exist in the class someclass . like foreach this as that print div class 'someclass' that div then function toggleMeMirror a hide all '.someclass' .hide show one var e document.getElementById a if e return..

Remove multiple classes at once


multiple classes at once I have the following html div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div div class row div class one someclass div div class two.. multiple classes at once I have the following html div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three.. once I have the following html div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div div class row div class one someclass div div class two someclass div div class three someclass div div And I want..

JQuery focus


is incorrect. DIV and P tags can receive focus providing you specify a tabindex property for them. i.e. div class someclass tabindex 100 Once the tabindex is specified you can either tab to these elements or shift focus with .focus . Using a scrollTo..

jQuery Plugin Authoring: Why do some do jQuery.pluginName and others jQuery.fn.pluginName?


jQuery.fn.makeRed function this.each function this .css 'color' 'red' 'div.someClass' .makeRed makes all divs of class someclass have red text Extending the jQuery object itself is ussually done for functions that your class needs but that do not extend..

In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute?


jQuery is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute Basically is #someid or .someclass faster than someattr 'value' I would imagine that it is that is selection by id is fastest then class then attribute but.. class or attribute selector you can improve performance by specifying the optional context parameter. For example... .someclass #somecontainer Where somecontainer is something like a div surrounding an element with class someclass . This can offer.. For example... .someclass #somecontainer Where somecontainer is something like a div surrounding an element with class someclass . This can offer a huge performance benefit in the cases where somecontainer comprises a small fraction of the DOM. UPDATE..

call the same jQuery function in multiple buttons


'close' return false '#button1' .click doClick '#button2' .click doClick Second solution Give a class someClass to all the involved buttons input type button class someClass ... and do '.someClass' .click function e ... Third solution.. '#button2' .click doClick Second solution Give a class someClass to all the involved buttons input type button class someClass ... and do '.someClass' .click function e ... Third solution Use the comma to separate ids '#button1 #button2' .click function.. Second solution Give a class someClass to all the involved buttons input type button class someClass ... and do '.someClass' .click function e ... Third solution Use the comma to separate ids '#button1 #button2' .click function e ... Generally..

Override a:hover with jQuery?


demo of the following solution http jsbin.com umiru The easiest way I can think of is to change a hover ... into a.someClass hover ... And then add remove .someClass via jQuery's methods this .addClass someClass activates css rules for hover this.. umiru The easiest way I can think of is to change a hover ... into a.someClass hover ... And then add remove .someClass via jQuery's methods this .addClass someClass activates css rules for hover this .removeClass someClass deactivates css..

Escaping HTML strings with jQuery


share improve this question Since you're using jQuery you can just set the element's text property before div class someClass text div var someHtmlString script alert 'hi ' script var escaped div.someClass .text someHtmlString .html after div class.. text property before div class someClass text div var someHtmlString script alert 'hi ' script var escaped div.someClass .text someHtmlString .html after div class someClass lt script gt alert 'hi ' lt script gt div share improve this answer..

jQuery - How to get all styles/css (defined within internal/external document) with HTML of an element


in external stylesheet UPDATE 2 Sorry for not clarifying this earlier If this is my HTML div id divId span class someClass Some innerText span div And styles are defined in separate style sheet or in head styles. #divId clear both padding 3px.. or in head styles. #divId clear both padding 3px border 2px dotted #CCC font size 107 line height 130 width 660px .someClass color blue Then when I try to get inner html of #divId .html or call any other custom function I need something like below.. like below style #divId clear both padding 3px border 2px dotted #CCC font size 107 line height 130 width 660px .someClass color blue style div id divId span class someClass Some innerText span div UPDATE 3 for Answer by kirilloid I ran below..

jQuery Append String vs Object Containing String


which can further be manipulated with functions like append css addClass div .append h1 h1 .html Header .addClass someClass .css color gree Or if you don't want to do further manipulation like this then by all means pass it just a string and..