

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:43

jquery Programming Glossary: sometimes

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


markup enhancement prevention This can be done in few ways sometimes you will need to combine them to achieve a desired result. Method..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


what's already in the view think ngClass and therefore sometimes do DOM manipulation straight away and then are basically done...

Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed


requests.Both the .post requests should get executed.But sometimes second .post request doesn't get executed.What could be the..

What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules?


possible that the input will be erroneous. Not always but sometimes. Thus there's a dilemma. If the client tries to do something..

How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment


The basic skeleton of my code including the timing bug and sometimes bugs follows script type text javascript charset utf 8 CDATA..

Current commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript


function do stuff here I put different namespaces and sometimes individual classes in separate files. Usually I start with one..

How to order events bound with jQuery


bind some onclick events to a button but I find that they sometimes execute in an order I did not expect. Is there a way to ensure..

Sequencing ajax requests


ajax requests I find I sometimes need to iterate some collection and make an ajax call for each..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


sometimes works sometimes doesn't So I have a pretty simple bit of JS.. sometimes works sometimes doesn't So I have a pretty simple bit of JS using the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition.. from day to day. Sometimes you have a 'lucky' computer sometimes not. Perhaps slaughtering goats at full moon would help I have..

Finding line-wraps


blah blah blah Imitative of idle meaningless talk used sometimes in a slightly derogatory manner to mock or downplay another..

Difference between $.ajax() and $.get() and $.load()


Can therefore be more complicated and often unecessary but sometimes very useful. You have to deal with the returned data yourself..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


not the same as properties though they mirror each other sometimes . Of course there's setAttribute too. Say you had a situation..

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?


'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar visible . javascript jquery scroll overflow..

How do I test for an empty Javascript object from JSON?


empty Javascript object from JSON After an AJAX request sometimes my application may return an empty object like var a How can..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


drawbacks the former one is considered unreliable and sometimes could produce unwanted browser behavior such as infinite loading..

Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery


SomeViewModelArray value SelectedItem select td ... tr sometimes this list is long and I'd like to have Knockout play nicely..

Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created?


But attaching all delegated event handlers on the document sometimes created a serious performance bottleneck so jQuery decided that..

How may I sort a list alphabetically using jQuery?


i l i vals.push lis i .innerHTML Sort it vals.sort Sometimes you gotta DESC if sortDescending vals.reverse Change the list..

How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response?


payload data instead of trying to parse the resource page. Sometimes this process is fairly easy but some sites require complex interaction..

Importing jQuery into Joomla


import jQuery into each module which makes to site slow. Sometimes it makes the whole site crashes. I want both mootools and jquery..

Prevent Highlight of Text Table


user presses shift it is possible to select multiple rows. Sometimes this cause text to become highlighted. Is there anyway to prevent..

Scrolling Overflowed DIVs with JavaScript


However it's been giving me inconsistent results. Sometimes it works sometimes not and it completely ceases to work if the..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice and it does not have anything..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


look at the example below . Markup enhancement problems Sometimes when creating a component from scratch like listview this error..

Difference Between Observers and Watchers


And this is why we need the observe and watch functions. Sometimes you don't need observe or watch. E.g. if your attribute contains..

How do I “rebind” the click event after unbind('click')?


an anchor tag a class next next a made into a button . Sometimes this tag needs to be hidden if there is nothing new to show...

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


and the pattern changes from hour to hour from day to day. Sometimes you have a 'lucky' computer sometimes not. Perhaps slaughtering..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


end checking via Ajax requests Multiple forms per page Sometimes a user needs to fill out one form before a dialog opens with.. requires two POST requests. Customizable error display Sometimes errors appear above fields sometimes the field style changes..

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?


scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar..

jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback


It is likely that the json is not properly formed. Sometimes this happens to me when my code that should be producing json..

Is it a good idea to learn JavaScript before learning jQuery? [closed]


JavaScript framework library such as jQuery Prototype etc. Sometimes I find myself struggling because I feel I don't know JavaScript..

jQuery Mobile lock orientation


late early trigger 1 orientationchange bug in android. 1 Sometimes it dosn't trigger sometimes before and some times after the..

Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?


going very well I'm only running into one minor issue. Sometimes when I go to drag a part of my application most often the corner..

What does $(function() {} ); do?


does function do Sometimes I make a function and call the function later. Example function..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


it illustrates the point. Example 2 Consider Ajax calls. Sometimes you want to initiate one Ajax call after a previous one completes...

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


content height img tag has an overhead of 3px. Methods of markup enhancement prevention This can be done in few ways sometimes you will need to combine them to achieve a desired result. Method 1 It can do it by adding this attribute data enhance false..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


But let's dive a little deeper... Some directives just decorate what's already in the view think ngClass and therefore sometimes do DOM manipulation straight away and then are basically done. But if a directive is like a widget and has a template it..

Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed


I have a javascript function inside which i have two .post requests.Both the .post requests should get executed.But sometimes second .post request doesn't get executed.What could be the reason for it jquery ajax jquery ajax share improve this..

What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules?


the user to stipulate how an application does something it's possible that the input will be erroneous. Not always but sometimes. Thus there's a dilemma. If the client tries to do something fancy like run an AJAX transaction to let the server vet the..

How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment


rewriting my widget code I wanted to ask for advice first. The basic skeleton of my code including the timing bug and sometimes bugs follows script type text javascript charset utf 8 CDATA if typeof jQuery 'undefined' var head document.getElementsByTagName..

Current commonly accepted best practices around code organization in JavaScript


here return method_1 function do stuff here method_2 function do stuff here I put different namespaces and sometimes individual classes in separate files. Usually I start with one file and as a class or namespace gets big enough to warrant..

How to order events bound with jQuery


I do not know which one that is handled by the controller. I bind some onclick events to a button but I find that they sometimes execute in an order I did not expect. Is there a way to ensure order or how have you handled this problem in the past javascript..

Sequencing ajax requests


ajax requests I find I sometimes need to iterate some collection and make an ajax call for each element. I want each call to return before moving to the..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


sometimes works sometimes doesn't So I have a pretty simple bit of JS using the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition jammy. document.. sometimes works sometimes doesn't So I have a pretty simple bit of JS using the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition jammy. document .ready function.. subsequently fail and the pattern changes from hour to hour from day to day. Sometimes you have a 'lucky' computer sometimes not. Perhaps slaughtering goats at full moon would help I have not been able to fathom this but I suspect that the back..

Finding line-wraps


' .val ' When spoken repeatedly often three times in succession blah blah blah Imitative of idle meaningless talk used sometimes in a slightly derogatory manner to mock or downplay another 's words or to show disinterest in a diatribe rant instructions..

Difference between $.ajax() and $.get() and $.load()


Slightly more fine grained error handling is also provided. Can therefore be more complicated and often unecessary but sometimes very useful. You have to deal with the returned data yourself with a callback. .get is just a shorthand for .ajax but abstracts..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


to access an attribute directly. Note that attributes are not the same as properties though they mirror each other sometimes . Of course there's setAttribute too. Say you had a situation where received a page where you need to unwrap all tags of..

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?


if ... if scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar visible . javascript jquery scroll overflow share improve this question a little plugin for it. function..

How do I test for an empty Javascript object from JSON?


do I test for an empty Javascript object from JSON After an AJAX request sometimes my application may return an empty object like var a How can I check whether that's the case javascript jquery ajax json..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


multipart HTTP responses. Both of those methods are certain drawbacks the former one is considered unreliable and sometimes could produce unwanted browser behavior such as infinite loading indicator and the latter one leaks consistent and straightforward..

Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery


id row template tr ... td select class list data bind options SomeViewModelArray value SelectedItem select td ... tr sometimes this list is long and I'd like to have Knockout play nicely with perhaps JQuery autocomplete or some straight JavaScript..

Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created?


equivalent document .on click .foo fn .foo .live click fn But attaching all delegated event handlers on the document sometimes created a serious performance bottleneck so jQuery decided that was a bad way to do it and it was better to require the..

How may I sort a list alphabetically using jQuery?


LI var vals Populate the array for var i 0 l lis.length i l i vals.push lis i .innerHTML Sort it vals.sort Sometimes you gotta DESC if sortDescending vals.reverse Change the list on the page for var i 0 l lis.length i l i lis i .innerHTML..

How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response?


requests. Use GM_xmlhttpRequest to directly fetch just the payload data instead of trying to parse the resource page. Sometimes this process is fairly easy but some sites require complex interaction and or authentication. Load the resource page in..

Importing jQuery into Joomla


jQuery it crashes. Also when I create modules I have to import jQuery into each module which makes to site slow. Sometimes it makes the whole site crashes. I want both mootools and jquery to work hand in hand so I can use both without any crashes...

Prevent Highlight of Text Table


CSS to visually indicate the row is 'selected'. When the user presses shift it is possible to select multiple rows. Sometimes this cause text to become highlighted. Is there anyway to prevent this javascript jquery html share improve this question..

Scrolling Overflowed DIVs with JavaScript


jQuery hence the function #thediv .scrollTop #thediv .scrollHeight However it's been giving me inconsistent results. Sometimes it works sometimes not and it completely ceases to work if the user ever resizes the div or moves the scroll bar manually...

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


archive 2011 08 prevent jquery live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice and it does not have anything to do with the problem mentioned before. The reason the..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


Again initialize it before jquery mobile.js is initialized look at the example below . Markup enhancement problems Sometimes when creating a component from scratch like listview this error will occur cannot call methods on listview prior to initialization..

Difference Between Observers and Watchers


the values of these attributes is an asynchronous operation. And this is why we need the observe and watch functions. Sometimes you don't need observe or watch. E.g. if your attribute contains a number or a boolean not a string just evaluate it once..

How do I “rebind” the click event after unbind('click')?


rebind&rdquo the click event after unbind 'click' I have an anchor tag a class next next a made into a button . Sometimes this tag needs to be hidden if there is nothing new to show. All works fine if I simply hide the button with .hide and re..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


firefox gecko issue others work once then subsequently fail and the pattern changes from hour to hour from day to day. Sometimes you have a 'lucky' computer sometimes not. Perhaps slaughtering goats at full moon would help I have not been able to fathom..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


Server side validation Validation of some fields requires back end checking via Ajax requests Multiple forms per page Sometimes a user needs to fill out one form before a dialog opens with another form. A framework has to be more versatile than binding.. a widget in one swoop but due to legacy systems that flow requires two POST requests. Customizable error display Sometimes errors appear above fields sometimes the field style changes and our new designs call for tooltip like popups ala qTip for..

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?


'hover' function event if event.type 'mouseenter' if ... if scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar visible . javascript jquery scroll overflow share improve..

jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback


jquery django getjson simplejson share improve this question It is likely that the json is not properly formed. Sometimes this happens to me when my code that should be producing json is generating an error. Two options Use firebug to view the..

Is it a good idea to learn JavaScript before learning jQuery? [closed]


Is it a good idea to learn JavaScript before learning a JavaScript framework library such as jQuery Prototype etc. Sometimes I find myself struggling because I feel I don't know JavaScript as well as I should. javascript jquery share improve..

jQuery Mobile lock orientation


the multiply resize callback bug in iOS safari and the non late early trigger 1 orientationchange bug in android. 1 Sometimes it dosn't trigger sometimes before and some times after the browser has changes width height Wired if iphone ipad gi .test..

Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?


to implement a full featured windowing system. Right now it's going very well I'm only running into one minor issue. Sometimes when I go to drag a part of my application most often the corner div of my window which is supposed to trigger a resize..

What does $(function() {} ); do?


does function do Sometimes I make a function and call the function later. Example function example alert 'example' example Then call it later Somehow..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


different maybe better ways to solve this problem but I hope it illustrates the point. Example 2 Consider Ajax calls. Sometimes you want to initiate one Ajax call after a previous one completes. One way is to make the second call inside a done callback..