

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:43

jquery Programming Glossary: some_function

JQuery same click event for multiple elements


different elements on the page '.class1' .click function some_function '.class2' .click function some_function instead to do something.. .click function some_function '.class2' .click function some_function instead to do something like '.class1' . '.class2' .click function.. to do something like '.class1' . '.class2' .click function some_function Thanks jquery events share improve this question '.class1..

Get DOM elements of a popup for jQuery manipulation


.live 'click' function alert 'HELLO' return false some_function function calling it here this.newPopup 'index.php' 1120 550..

Why use callback in JavaScript, what are its advantages?


In the following code how is the flow of control function some_function arg1 arg2 callback var my_number Math.ceil Math.random arg1.. my_number some_different_function_not_callback arg1 some_function 5 15 function num console.log callback called num From the JQuery..

JQuery same click event for multiple elements


multiple elements is there any way to execute same code for different elements on the page '.class1' .click function some_function '.class2' .click function some_function instead to do something like '.class1' . '.class2' .click function some_function.. execute same code for different elements on the page '.class1' .click function some_function '.class2' .click function some_function instead to do something like '.class1' . '.class2' .click function some_function Thanks jquery events share improve this.. '.class2' .click function some_function instead to do something like '.class1' . '.class2' .click function some_function Thanks jquery events share improve this question '.class1 .class2' .click some_function Or '.class1' .add '.class2'..

Get DOM elements of a popup for jQuery manipulation


'logout' console.log logOut logOut .live 'click' function alert 'HELLO' return false some_function function calling it here this.newPopup 'index.php' 1120 550 The logOut sometimes usually on the 1st window open returns..

Why use callback in JavaScript, what are its advantages?


response Is asyncronous programming akin to multi threading In the following code how is the flow of control function some_function arg1 arg2 callback var my_number Math.ceil Math.random arg1 arg2 arg2 callback my_number some_different_function_not_callback.. var my_number Math.ceil Math.random arg1 arg2 arg2 callback my_number some_different_function_not_callback arg1 some_function 5 15 function num console.log callback called num From the JQuery website The special thing about a callback is that functions..