

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:45

jquery Programming Glossary: sooner

use succes or complete in ajaxcall


it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete #formnaw .submit function var fnc invoerFnc.attr..

Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN?


longer ajax.googleapis.com is likely to be returned by DNS sooner than ajax.microsoft.com simply because the local DNS server..

Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile


can ask me WHY Phonegap like jQuery Mobile is buggy and sooner or later there's going to be an error and your app will fail..

Use jQuery to change a class dependent on scroll position


sections with some padding to change the class a little sooner var len topsArray.length quantity of total sections var currentIndex..

jQuery templates - where should I put them?


page will arrive at the client and begin rendering much sooner. You can also allow the client to cache some templates and only..

$(document).ready(function(){}); vs script at the bottom of page


trick your code may get called the slightest slightest bit sooner but nothing that will matter. But more importantly this choice..

Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears?


it has to do with bind 'beforeunload' but the dialog dies sooner than you can read it. How do I stop this from happening document..

jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion


use succes or complete in ajaxcall


an empty responseText as the error says and with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete #formnaw .submit function var fnc invoerFnc.attr value var vnaam invoerVnaam.attr value var anaam invoerAnaam.attr..

Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN?


On Average Simply because it's used more it's been around longer ajax.googleapis.com is likely to be returned by DNS sooner than ajax.microsoft.com simply because the local DNS server was more likely to get a request for it this is a first user..

Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile


it inside a HEAD of every possible other page. Now you can ask me WHY Phonegap like jQuery Mobile is buggy and sooner or later there's going to be an error and your app will fail including loaded DOM if your every js content is inside a single..

Use jQuery to change a class dependent on scroll position


.position .top 300 make array of the tops of content .get sections with some padding to change the class a little sooner var len topsArray.length quantity of total sections var currentIndex 0 current section selected var getCurrent function..

jQuery templates - where should I put them?


you serve the HTML file by itself without the templates your page will arrive at the client and begin rendering much sooner. You can also allow the client to cache some templates and only load new ones when they change. This will make future visits..

$(document).ready(function(){}); vs script at the bottom of page


until I read this from Google . If you use the end of page trick your code may get called the slightest slightest bit sooner but nothing that will matter. But more importantly this choice relates to where you link your JavaScript into the page...

Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears?


The only thing is it runs for 1 sec and disappears I know it has to do with bind 'beforeunload' but the dialog dies sooner than you can read it. How do I stop this from happening document .ready function Append dialog pop up modem to body of page..

jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion
