

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:46

jquery Programming Glossary: sorry

Disappearing images in IE8 jQuery Cycle


instead of id for ul#product images. The shame it burns Sorry for wasting anyone's time. body.home #front slider #front slides..

Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers?


jquery javascript events share improve this question Sorry for the cross posting but this answer I gave to a similar question..

jQuery - count number of rows in a table


the number of tr elements within a table using jquery. Sorry I sense this might be basic but i've been banging my head against..

jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?


jQuery and I can't managed to fadeIn on load please help. Sorry if this question has already been answered I have had a look..

Problems with Google Maps API v3 + jQuery UI Tabs


only absolute width and height CSS to the map div. Sorry if this was long winded but this might be the only documentation..

javascript - How to make this code work? [duplicate]


and will never point to a string constant like A or B . Sorry to say this but your code is full of problems but I will address..

Is it possible to listen to a “style change” event?


yields '100' It would be really useful. Any ideas UPDATE Sorry for answering this myself but I wrote a neat solution that might..

jQuery/Javascript collision detection


vidasp.net tinydemos javascript detect overlapping.html Sorry I lost the source code of my original demo. As a substitute..

Validation of file extension before uploading file


blnValid true break if blnValid alert Sorry sFileName is invalid allowed extensions are _validFileExtensions.join..

JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready


This only seems to be an issue in IE and not firefox Sorry I dont have a dynamic image file that is publically accessible.. out http code.jquery.com nightlies jquery 2009 01 28.js Sorry in the delay for getting a fix out was traveling this week...

<select> only shows first char of selected option


in my simplified example so the problem is somewhere else. Sorry guys. The original code is to long and complex to paste here..

Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how


value 2 option value 3 ...... option value 23 select Edit Sorry I forgot to mention the option items are being populated via..

jquery load() strips script tags - workaround?


m_php title_sender.php '. tag2.' div li ' i2 Sorry if this second code block is a bit on the 'overkill' side let..

How do I use jQuery's form.serialize but exclude empty fields


to each other implies an AND. Using a comma implies an OR. Sorry if that's obvious to CSS people share improve this answer..

Should jQuery's $(form).submit(); not trigger onSubmit within the form tag?


jquery onsubmit share improve this question Sorry misunderstood your question. According to Javascript capturing..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


the Add Edit Dialog in jqGrid Sorry I can't post images I'm too new. In jqGrid add edit dialogs..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


that there are no elements with ID's inside the DIV x . Sorry I forgot to cover this case in my original question. Conclusion..

How to retrieve checkboxes values in jQuery


the live function to monitor the DOM for those changes. Sorry I'm not really up to writing the example at the moment. share..

Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery


with. Anyone have any thoughts on a way around this EDIT Sorry I should also mentioned that I have tried wrapping the event..

jqgrid nested subgrid 4th level subgrid always returns first rowid of the subgrid


selects the first row. No using treegrid is not an option sorry. I'm thinking of binding a click event on the plus icon first..

BackboneJS Rendering Problems


hierarchy of views and perform the necessary cleanups. NB sorry about the JS code I'm not familiar enough with Coffeescript..

Loading Partial Page With Angular and Compile The Controller


it with fellas on my answer for others beginner like me. sorry for my English . javascript jquery mvc dom angularjs share..

jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes


to do this for checked but what the heck better safe than sorry if this.checked this.setAttribute 'checked' 'checked' else this.removeAttribute..

JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string


marked as answer. For those who like one line code... well sorry this why we use code minimizers code should be human readable..

Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work)


You script is not smooth so I modified it completely sorry with a really simple approach LIVE DEMO Super simple jQ function..

Passing mouse clicks through an overlaying element <div>


5 CSS 3 and or JavaScript jQuery Thanks in advance and sorry if this question isn't too clear. Peace. javascript jquery..

a simple question on jquery closure


what does wrapping a function in parenthesis mean in JS sorry I'm a bit confused on the concept of closures . What about the..

Adding rows dynamically with jQuery


way the user wouldn't need to press the plus button. I'm sorry for asking maybe such a basic question but I'm still very green..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


Size 50402555 Type application octet stream I'm sorry to say I can't reproduce your problem. At least the above information..

Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping


webkit or how the browsers render webkit Many thanks sorry for the long question javascript jquery css3 webkit share..

How to properly escape html sent as data in jQuery's .ajax function


somehow. I had been using Chrome's developer window. Very sorry for using up your resources. But lesson learned I hope. What..

flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series


checkbox values. I have included the full jquery function sorry its a bit long. script id source var jsonPath JsonPriceHistory..

if checkbox is checked, do this


function if '#checkbox' .attr 'checked' SOME FUNCTION sorry i should have been more clear when the checkbox is checked i..

jQuery Tabs - Load contents only when clicked


get function here and JQuery ajax functions here I'm sorry I can't be more specific in my examples but a lot of the processing..

jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box


to top left. Thanks in advance If this is a dupe I am sorry. I tried just posting it but it gave me some weird error and..

Get DOM content of cross-domain iframe


by javascript. No major browser will allow you that. I'm sorry but this is a design flaw you should drop the idea. share improve..

jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help


is my code returned json string and jqGrid code also I'm sorry it's so long but I just didn't want to leave anything out in..

How do i make an area unclickable with CSS?


blue z index 2 opacity 0.4 filter alpha opacity 50 div div sorry for all the inline css. you'll have to make some nice classes...

How to change color of an image using jquery [closed]


color of an image using jquery closed First of all I am sorry for the stupid question I am going to ask. I have an image of..

Disappearing images in IE8 jQuery Cycle


work on the additional templates because I was using a class instead of id for ul#product images. The shame it burns Sorry for wasting anyone's time. body.home #front slider #front slides .slide background none important width 980px height 389px..

Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers?


'1234' document.write watcher.status br javascript jquery javascript events share improve this question Sorry for the cross posting but this answer I gave to a similar question works fine here I have created a small object.watch shim..

jQuery - count number of rows in a table


count number of rows in a table How do I count the number of tr elements within a table using jquery. Sorry I sense this might be basic but i've been banging my head against it. I know there is a similar thread but I just want the..

jQuery How do you get an image to fade in on load?


do is fade my logo in on the page loading. I am new today to jQuery and I can't managed to fadeIn on load please help. Sorry if this question has already been answered I have had a look and try to adapt other answers for different question but nothing..

Problems with Google Maps API v3 + jQuery UI Tabs


maps.google.com. But as I said I appear to be stuck with applying only absolute width and height CSS to the map div. Sorry if this was long winded but this might be the only documentation for Maps API v3 jQuery tabs. Cheers jquery google maps..

javascript - How to make this code work? [duplicate]


shows what everybody has been saying this does not cannot and will never point to a string constant like A or B . Sorry to say this but your code is full of problems but I will address the specific issue you're asking about here. Inside the..

Is it possible to listen to a “style change” event?


function console.log this .css 'height' 'div' .height 100 yields '100' It would be really useful. Any ideas UPDATE Sorry for answering this myself but I wrote a neat solution that might fit someone else function var ev new .Event 'style' orig..

jQuery/Javascript collision detection


detection share improve this question Working demo hxxp vidasp.net tinydemos javascript detect overlapping.html Sorry I lost the source code of my original demo. As a substitute I give you this demo http jsfiddle.net 98sAG Oscar gave you..

Validation of file extension before uploading file


sCurExtension.length .toLowerCase sCurExtension.toLowerCase blnValid true break if blnValid alert Sorry sFileName is invalid allowed extensions are _validFileExtensions.join return false return true script Form should look..

JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready


on Is this a new feature I cant imagine why or a bug Important This only seems to be an issue in IE and not firefox Sorry I dont have a dynamic image file that is publically accessible to make it easier for others to see this. If you want to..

<select> only shows first char of selected option


ccySymbol AUD ccyID 3 ccySymbol USD OH BUGGER it works fine in my simplified example so the problem is somewhere else. Sorry guys. The original code is to long and complex to paste here but will let you guys know when I find the answer. some time..

Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how


value 23 select HH2 select name drop1 option value 0 option value 2 option value 3 ...... option value 23 select Edit Sorry I forgot to mention the option items are being populated via javascript for loop . I just need to know how to make HH2 dynamic..

jquery load() strips script tags - workaround?


i2.' .click function #title_php_loader .load m_scripts m_php title_sender.php '. tag2.' div li ' i2 Sorry if this second code block is a bit on the 'overkill' side let me know if a simplified excerpt would be more useful. That..

How do I use jQuery's form.serialize but exclude empty fields


Should jQuery's $(form).submit(); not trigger onSubmit within the form tag?


to run into a problem in a browser where the onsubmit is triggered. jquery onsubmit share improve this question Sorry misunderstood your question. According to Javascript capturing onsubmit when calling form.submit I was recently asked Why..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


the Add Edit Dialog in jqGrid Sorry I can't post images I'm too new. In jqGrid add edit dialogs I would like to load a list of selectable items based on a selection..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


done instead Update For the sake of this question let's assume that there are no elements with ID's inside the DIV x . Sorry I forgot to cover this case in my original question. Conclusion I have posted my own answer to this question below as I..

How to retrieve checkboxes values in jQuery


Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery


I said I don't know how to tell which player it's associated with. Anyone have any thoughts on a way around this EDIT Sorry I should also mentioned that I have tried wrapping the event call in a closure. function onYouTubePlayerReady playerId var..

jqgrid nested subgrid 4th level subgrid always returns first rowid of the subgrid


that if i click any row on the third level subgrid it only selects the first row. No using treegrid is not an option sorry. I'm thinking of binding a click event on the plus icon first cell of each row of the 3rd level subgrid and fire a expandSubGridRow..

BackboneJS Rendering Problems


Loading Partial Page With Angular and Compile The Controller


After some research i have found some solution and sharing it with fellas on my answer for others beginner like me. sorry for my English . javascript jquery mvc dom angularjs share improve this question There's nothing wrong on AngularJS..

jQuery html() in Firefox (uses .innerHTML) ignores DOM changes


this .each function im not really even sure you need to do this for checked but what the heck better safe than sorry if this.checked this.setAttribute 'checked' 'checked' else this.removeAttribute 'checked' option this .each function also..

JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string


protocol. So I decided to upgrade the code since it is marked as answer. For those who like one line code... well sorry this why we use code minimizers code should be human readable and this way is better... in my opinion. pathArray window.location.href.split..

Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work)


jquery math scroll mousemove share improve this question You script is not smooth so I modified it completely sorry with a really simple approach LIVE DEMO Super simple jQ function var bl .thumbs block th .thumbs blW bl.outerWidth blSW..

Passing mouse clicks through an overlaying element <div>


any way of creating a purely aesthetic overlay layer in HTML 5 CSS 3 and or JavaScript jQuery Thanks in advance and sorry if this question isn't too clear. Peace. javascript jquery html html5 css3 share improve this question You could try..

a simple question on jquery closure


does this mean function jQuery to make the question clearer what does wrapping a function in parenthesis mean in JS sorry I'm a bit confused on the concept of closures . What about the parameter and the jQuery in the end parenthesis Can I do..

Adding rows dynamically with jQuery


or just the last row if it's easier faster are filled That way the user wouldn't need to press the plus button. I'm sorry for asking maybe such a basic question but I'm still very green with jQuery I could do this with PHP but I'm sure Javascript..

Uploadify plugin doesn't call Java Servlet


invoked. Here are all uploaded files Name glassfish v3 windows.exe Size 50402555 Type application octet stream I'm sorry to say I can't reproduce your problem. At least the above information should help you to get started freshly . Hope it helps...

Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping


Chrome and Firefox. http jsbin.com ucehu Is this a bug within webkit or how the browsers render webkit Many thanks sorry for the long question javascript jquery css3 webkit share improve this question This is a result of draggable's reliance..

How to properly escape html sent as data in jQuery's .ajax function


embarrassing unmatched double quote that I must have deleted somehow. I had been using Chrome's developer window. Very sorry for using up your resources. But lesson learned I hope. What is the best way for me to escape html characters that I want..

flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series


fires. But that calls the plot function again and resets my checkbox values. I have included the full jquery function sorry its a bit long. script id source var jsonPath JsonPriceHistory getParameterByName CardId function .getJSON jsonPath function..

if checkbox is checked, do this


undo that. Should I do this a different way '#checkbox' .click function if '#checkbox' .attr 'checked' SOME FUNCTION sorry i should have been more clear when the checkbox is checked i want it to enable a function when it's unchecked to disable..

jQuery Tabs - Load contents only when clicked


from myscript.php here You can read more about the JQuery get function here and JQuery ajax functions here I'm sorry I can't be more specific in my examples but a lot of the processing is really dependant on your task. As it looks as it..

jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box


fine but ideally i want to dock it to the bottom left as apposed to top left. Thanks in advance If this is a dupe I am sorry. I tried just posting it but it gave me some weird error and is not showing in my history so assumed it did not post. jquery..

Get DOM content of cross-domain iframe


jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help


be I'm stuck right back where I alwasy seem to be. Here is my code returned json string and jqGrid code also I'm sorry it's so long but I just didn't want to leave anything out in case that was the part that was screwing me up Basically I..

How do i make an area unclickable with CSS?


top 0 left 0 width 200px height 200px background color blue z index 2 opacity 0.4 filter alpha opacity 50 div div sorry for all the inline css. you'll have to make some nice classes. Also this has only been tested in firefox and IE7. share..

How to change color of an image using jquery [closed]


to change color of an image using jquery closed First of all I am sorry for the stupid question I am going to ask. I have an image of a mug. When any user picks a color code from color picker..