

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:45

jquery Programming Glossary: soptions

How to create a picklist in JSF? Tried moving items using JS/jQuery, but submit errors with “Validation Error: Value is not valid”


' filterVal ' ' 0 targetList.appendTo '#sourceCars' else targetList.remove var foption '#sourceCars option first' var soptions .makeArray '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars'.. '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars' .html soptions .prepend foption foption.attr selected true .siblings option .removeAttr selected #targetCars option .attr selected selected.. ' filterVal ' ' 0 targetList.appendTo '#sourceCars' else targetList.remove var foption '#sourceCars option first' var soptions .makeArray '#sourceCars option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text lt b.text 1 1 '#sourceCars'..

sort items in a dropdown list without the first item


share improve this question function sortDropDownListByText selectId var foption '#' selectId ' option first' var soptions '#' selectId ' option not first ' .sort function a b return a.text b.text 0 a.text b.text 1 1 '#' selectId .html soptions..