

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:43

jquery Programming Glossary: somewhere

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


though this could really be anywhere and ought to be somewhere else to show that the styles aren't just inherited again .css..

jQuery.animate() with css class only, without explicit styles


animate I would like to operate with css classes defined somewhere in .css file not to have to give all styles params to jquery.animate..

Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?


Is this weird behavior because I'm doing something wrong somewhere and Why does calling click do nothing with the default behavior..

grid controls for ASP.NET MVC? [closed]


you doing grid display Rolled your own Got a library from somewhere These are some of the known grid display solutions I have found..

Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript


of is to use the img onerror attribute to store a flag somewhere globally or on the node it's self that says it failed so jQuery..

How to format a JSON date?


format this to a short date format Should this be handled somewhere in the jQuery code I've tried the jQuery.UI.datepicker plugin..

Getting jQuery to recognise .change() in IE


6 and 7 the action only occurs when the user then clicks somewhere else on the page. To elaborate when you load the page everything.. the radio button and nothing will happen until you click somewhere on the page. Only then does IE redraw the page hiding and showing..

AJAX cross domain call


over a ajax HTTP request and display the results somewhere on my site. I tried it with dataType jsonp that actually would..

Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)?


like this document .click function alert You clicked somewhere in the page it bubbled to document If this element gets replaced.. A click happened If however you do have a parent element somewhere that isn't getting replaced so its event handlers aren't going..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


handler will never be called if getCurrentPosition hangs somewhere on the back end. To ensure that you get a timeout add the optional..

jQuery: live() vs delegate()


is that live cannot be used in a chain. I also read somewhere that delegate is in some cases faster better performance . My..

Jquery live() vs delegate()


is that live cannot be used in a chain. I also read somewhere that delegate is in some cases faster better performance . My..

variable === undefined vs. typeof variable === “undefined”


defined . For local variables which you know are declared somewhere no such error would occur hence the identity check. share improve..

Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


does. Browsers don't keep an HTML document in memory somewhere and repeatedly modify the HTML based on commands from JavaScript...

Delay pop-up for 10 seconds, only pop up once


7 '#various1' .fancybox script C you still need to have somewhere in your html code maybe hidden a id various1 href path target..

jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers)


upon this. Here is the plugin code you could stash away somewhere jQuery.fn.filterOn function radio values return this.each function..

JQuery - Storing ajax response into global variable


have access to change the XML file as I am reading it from somewhere else . Therefore I have a global variable that I store the response..

How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0?


way to do it is to store the title to be used by fancybox somewhere else rather than the title attribute ... in a hidden div for..

JQuery “floating” tab like GetSatisfaction


position of fixed a id floating_link href whatever.html Go Somewhere a #floating_link position fixed right 0 top 400px display block..

JQuery-File-Upload error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method '_on'


a problem when actually trying to invoke the function. Somewhere in my code I'll call fubar .fileupload and get Uncaught TypeError..

jquery round corners


script type text javascript src jquery.corner.js script Somewhere in your page you should have the div you want to have corners.. height 100px background color #701080 Hello World div Somewhere else in your page preferably not before the div itself issue..

Make a link open on double click


can do this HTML a id 'golink' href 'gosomewhere.html' Go Somewhere a JavaScript using jQuery jQuery function '#golink' .click function..

Check if div with certain class name exists


Text1 div div class mydivclass id myid2 Some Text2 div Somewhere else in my code I need to detect if these DIVs exist. The class..

JQuery Script Load Timing


javascript jquery share improve this question Somewhere at the beginning of your script probably on the button's click..

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


append the cloned object to the parent after the original though this could really be anywhere and ought to be somewhere else to show that the styles aren't just inherited again .css style apply cloned styles Hope that helps. share improve..

jQuery.animate() with css class only, without explicit styles


with css class only without explicit styles Using JQuery animate I would like to operate with css classes defined somewhere in .css file not to have to give all styles params to jquery.animate explicitly. I can create a fake e.g. invisible element..

Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?


as if I had clicked the a myself. So my question is twofold Is this weird behavior because I'm doing something wrong somewhere and Why does calling click do nothing with the default behavior if I haven't created a handler of my own EDIT As Hoffman..

grid controls for ASP.NET MVC? [closed]


for ASP.NET MVC closed If you are using ASP.NET MVC how are you doing grid display Rolled your own Got a library from somewhere These are some of the known grid display solutions I have found for ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET MVC Flexgrid Has nice column layout..

Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript


jQuery can register the events. The only solution I can think of is to use the img onerror attribute to store a flag somewhere globally or on the node it's self that says it failed so jQuery can check that store node when checking .complete. Anyone..

How to format a JSON date?


Date 1224043200000 From someone totally new to JSON How do I format this to a short date format Should this be handled somewhere in the jQuery code I've tried the jQuery.UI.datepicker plugin using .datepicker.formatDate without any success. FYI Here's..

Getting jQuery to recognise .change() in IE


clicked. It works fine in browsers like Firefox but in IE 6 and 7 the action only occurs when the user then clicks somewhere else on the page. To elaborate when you load the page everything looks fine. In Firefox if you click a radio button one.. one is shown immediately. However in IE 6 and 7 you click the radio button and nothing will happen until you click somewhere on the page. Only then does IE redraw the page hiding and showing the relevant elements. Here's the jQuery I'm using document..

AJAX cross domain call


AJAX cross domain policy. So I can't just call http www.google.com over a ajax HTTP request and display the results somewhere on my site. I tried it with dataType jsonp that actually would work but I get a syntax error obviously because the received..

Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)?


Use them when binding a handler directly to an element like this document .click function alert You clicked somewhere in the page it bubbled to document If this element gets replaced or thrown away this handler won't be there anymore. Also.. use .live like this .clickAlert .live 'click' function alert A click happened If however you do have a parent element somewhere that isn't getting replaced so its event handlers aren't going bye bye you should handle it with .delegate like this #commonParent..

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't


getCurrentPosition is infinite . That means that your error handler will never be called if getCurrentPosition hangs somewhere on the back end. To ensure that you get a timeout add the optional third parameter to your call to getCurrentPosition for..

jQuery: live() vs delegate()


tell me . I know that the difference between live and delegate is that live cannot be used in a chain. I also read somewhere that delegate is in some cases faster better performance . My question is is there a situation where you should use live..

Jquery live() vs delegate()


tell me . I know that the difference between live and delegate is that live cannot be used in a chain. I also read somewhere that delegate is in some cases faster better performance . My question is is there a situation where you should use live..

variable === undefined vs. typeof variable === “undefined”


Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided?


to another is the result of a misapprehension of what a browser does. Browsers don't keep an HTML document in memory somewhere and repeatedly modify the HTML based on commands from JavaScript. When a browser first loads a page it parses the HTML document..

Delay pop-up for 10 seconds, only pop up once


false else openFancybox .cookie 'visited' 'yes' expires 7 '#various1' .fancybox script C you still need to have somewhere in your html code maybe hidden a id various1 href path target a or for inline content a id various1 href #target a div style..

jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers)


help. If not then I guess it's for anyone else that stumbles upon this. Here is the plugin code you could stash away somewhere jQuery.fn.filterOn function radio values return this.each function var select this var options select .find 'option' .each..

JQuery - Storing ajax response into global variable


will not change this design I cannot change I also don't have access to change the XML file as I am reading it from somewhere else . Therefore I have a global variable that I store the response data into and any subsequent look ups on the data are..

How do I hide the tooltip on hover from the title tag when using FancyBox 2.0?


jquery fancybox share improve this question An elegant way to do it is to store the title to be used by fancybox somewhere else rather than the title attribute ... in a hidden div for instance just right after the anchor like a class fancybox..

JQuery “floating” tab like GetSatisfaction


for this. This is achieved by giving an element a position of fixed a id floating_link href whatever.html Go Somewhere a #floating_link position fixed right 0 top 400px display block width 50px height 125px text indent 10000px background image..

JQuery-File-Upload error: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method '_on'


I'm trying to use the jQuery File Upload plugin . But I have a problem when actually trying to invoke the function. Somewhere in my code I'll call fubar .fileupload and get Uncaught TypeError Object # Object has no method '_on' jquery.fileupload.js..

jquery round corners


Plugin JavaScript file jquery.corner.js in your page as well. script type text javascript src jquery.corner.js script Somewhere in your page you should have the div you want to have corners div id divToHaveCorners style width 200px height 100px background.. want to have corners div id divToHaveCorners style width 200px height 100px background color #701080 Hello World div Somewhere else in your page preferably not before the div itself issue the following JavaScript command. This will execute the inner..

Make a link open on double click


jquery html share improve this question Okay so you can do this HTML a id 'golink' href 'gosomewhere.html' Go Somewhere a JavaScript using jQuery jQuery function '#golink' .click function return false .dblclick function window.location this.href..

Check if div with certain class name exists


a bunch of div 's like this div class mydivclass id myid1 Some Text1 div div class mydivclass id myid2 Some Text2 div Somewhere else in my code I need to detect if these DIVs exist. The class name for the divs is the same but the ID changes for each..

JQuery Script Load Timing


way to make sure the button is inactive until the script completes javascript jquery share improve this question Somewhere at the beginning of your script probably on the button's click event set the button's disabled attribute to true #mybutton..