jquery Programming Glossary: news_array
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion this is my code function news_tweets query user_id count news_array user_tweets full_array .getJSON https api.twitter.com 1 statuses.. item.entities.urls.length 0 item.entities.urls 0 .url '' news_array.push news_user user news_date date news_profile_img profile_img.. profile_img news_text text news_url url find_tweets news_array function find_tweets news_array for var i in news_array ..
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion twitter api based on text queries without using a recursion. this is my code function news_tweets query user_id count news_array user_tweets full_array .getJSON https api.twitter.com 1 statuses user_timeline.json include_entities true include_rts.. item.user.profile_image_url var text item.text var url item.entities.urls.length 0 item.entities.urls 0 .url '' news_array.push news_user user news_date date news_profile_img profile_img news_text text news_url url find_tweets news_array.. news_user user news_date date news_profile_img profile_img news_text text news_url url find_tweets news_array function find_tweets news_array for var i in news_array var news_text news_array i .news_text .getJSON http search.twitter.com..