jquery Programming Glossary: newleft
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale 0 drag function event ui var changeLeft ui.position.left ui.originalPosition.left find change in left var newLeft ui.originalPosition.left changeLeft zoomScale adjust new left by our zoomScale var changeTop ui.position.top ui.originalPosition.top.. change in top var newTop ui.originalPosition.top changeTop zoomScale adjust new top by our zoomScale ui.position.left newLeft ui.position.top newTop Let me know if you find any problems or further improvements on this. Reference jQuery UI resizable..
How to move/animate elements in from the side with Stellar.js on a vertical scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13149700/how-to-move-animate-elements-in-from-the-side-with-stellar-js-on-a-vertical-scro el newTop originalTop el.css 'top' newTop 'left' el.hasClass 'apple' originalTop newTop 0 setLeft function el newLeft originalLeft el.css 'left' newLeft You'll notice it includes a ternary which only applies the 'left' value if the element.. 'top' newTop 'left' el.hasClass 'apple' originalTop newTop 0 setLeft function el newLeft originalLeft el.css 'left' newLeft You'll notice it includes a ternary which only applies the 'left' value if the element has the 'apple' class 'left' el.hasClass..
jquery ui drag easing/inertia http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4443526/jquery-ui-drag-easing-inertia var now new Date var stepDuration now.getTime lastStepTime.getTime lastStepTime now var position d.position var newLeft position.left speedX stepDuration 4 newTop position.top speedY stepDuration 4 d.css left newLeft px top newTop px ..