jquery Programming Glossary: newelements
tumblr audio/video players + Masonry with infinite scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165501/tumblr-audio-video-players-masonry-with-infinite-scroll true bufferPx 5000 errorCallback function '#infscr loading' .animate opacity 0.8 2000 .fadeOut 'normal' function newElements tried this but doesn't work repair video players '.video' .each function var audioID this .attr id var videoPost this.. audioPost.append ' x3cdiv class x22audio_player x22 x3e' data.posts 0 'audio player' ' x3c div x3e' var newElems newElements .css opacity 0 newElems.imagesLoaded function newElems.animate opacity 1 container.masonry 'appended' newElems true..
Select element by and classname in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3887619/select-element-by-and-classname-in-javascript 'myId' Or say element is a parent and you want a child with a class var elements element.getElementsByTagName ' ' var newElements for var i 0 length elements.length i length i if ' ' elements i .className ' ' .indexOf ' yourClassName ' 1 newElements.push.. for var i 0 length elements.length i length i if ' ' elements i .className ' ' .indexOf ' yourClassName ' 1 newElements.push elements i This code basically walks through all children and uses indexOf to test for the presence of your class...
Calling function after .load (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899066/calling-function-after-load-jquery nav a' itemSelector '.box' loading finishedMsg 'Nothing else to load.' img 'http i.imgur.com 6RMhx.gif' function newElements .superbox.settings closeTxt Close this loadTxt Loading your selection nextTxt Next item prevTxt Previous item .superbox.. closeTxt Close this loadTxt Loading your selection nextTxt Next item prevTxt Previous item .superbox var newElems newElements .css opacity 0 newElems.imagesLoaded function newElems.animate opacity 1 container.masonry 'appended' newElems true I've..