jquery Programming Glossary: newquery
problem in accesing a variable outside of a function in ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6436129/problem-in-accesing-a-variable-outside-of-a-function-in-ajax-call .each result.spellcheck.suggestions function i item newquery item.suggestion I posted question related to this problem.. did like the above code but still i am not getting updated newquery outside of if block. still it is showing the old value of newquery... outside of if block. still it is showing the old value of newquery. please suggest where i ma doing wrong edit document .ready..
problem in accesing a variable outside of a function in ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6436129/problem-in-accesing-a-variable-outside-of-a-function-in-ajax-call spellcheck true json.wrf async false success function result .each result.spellcheck.suggestions function i item newquery item.suggestion I posted question related to this problem previously Problem in accessing a variable's changed value.. code and i got that i have to make ajax call async. So i did like the above code but still i am not getting updated newquery outside of if block. still it is showing the old value of newquery. please suggest where i ma doing wrong edit document.. the above code but still i am not getting updated newquery outside of if block. still it is showing the old value of newquery. please suggest where i ma doing wrong edit document .ready function This function get the search results from Solr server..